Reflections on Two Means of Expression in Jean-Paul Sartre    By Thaís de Sá Oliveira
Based on a bibliographic research, the present book aims to present two different ways of expression used by Jean-Paul Sartre – philosophy and literature – to develop his Existentialism. Through th...
Print version AU$ 19.26 | EBook Version AU$ 4.69
Is Where I Am    By Zen Monk Meiho Gensho
Petrúcio Chalegre, renowned consultant to companies, knows very well the eye of the ordinary man, having actively participated, for decades, in the business world, with all of its passions and ambi...
Print version AU$ 20.73 | EBook Version AU$ 5.76
About the book: Evil girls is a storybook about evil girls, that seduce and destroy men Supernaturally. Imagine If you find out that you wife or girlfriend is a terrible creature how Vampire, ...
Print version AU$ 19.74 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
and other infamous metaphors    By Marlon Martins & Wesley Santos
The appendix is an organ that has been useful to us, but it is no longer useful. It, however, still remains in us, if it ignites, we can die because of it. The appendix is an irony of life saying, ...
Print version AU$ 15.28 | EBook Version AU$ 3.24
Trata-se de mais um Monitor(Manual) referente ao Sistema Maçônico Norte-Americano
Print version AU$ 46.84 | EBook Version AU$ 10.23
A political and journalistic analysis of the fall of socialism in Russia and Eastern Europe. Study originally carried out in 2006. Celio Azevedo is a well-known in Portuguese countries political sp...
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Este livro trata do nosso cosmo físico, mas de uma perspectiva filosófica. Neste sentido, consideramos o cosmo físico do ponto de vista da metafísica.
Print version AU$ 50.10 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Este livro trata da questão da evolução humana, da perspectiva espiritual e filosófica.
Print version AU$ 42.21 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
O livro Criação e evolução cosmológica trata de questão da criação divina e da ideia materialista da origem, gênese e evolução do Universo. No livro apresentamos a teoria do "esquema programático r...
Print version AU$ 36.57 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Codes for starters    By Célio Azevedo
This is the book Python for Beginners (Codes for starters). In this book, you will be guided through the fundamentals of the Python programming language, from basic concepts to slightly more advanc...
Print version AU$ 1,080.42 | EBook Version AU$ 8.00
O livro trata a questão do machismo e do feminismo.
Print version AU$ 63.28 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Questions about the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The influence of the American/NATO world is truly imperialistic and deserves to be treated as such. It's economy has always been focused o...
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The Post-Final Act (The End)    By Célio Azevedo Jana Karásková
Philosophic Poems - Poetic considerations for a world in chaos – Part IV is a book and saga leaded by the philosopher and artist Celio Azevedo. This is the post-final act of this saga. The defin...
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Locke argues against absolutism and advocates the idea that the legitimate power of the government must be based on the consent of the governed. He proposes that all individuals possess inalienable...
Print version AU$ 25.66 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Revised, Annotated, and Cursed (and with 66 adapted rituals)    By Lírio Baldo
The book "The Modern Satanic Bible" by Lírio Baldo is a work that aims to explore and revisit Satanism from a contemporary perspective, offering a detailed and commented interpretation of important...
Print version AU$ 40.02 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
In the twilight of an era, when the sky was a painting of fiery hues and the earth lay like a green carpet beneath feet, humanity was about to face its own extinction. A short story by Celio Az...
Print version AU$ 12.93 | EBook Version AU$ 5.73
The Rescue of Celtic Rituals    By Allan Shepard/Luiz Santos
Gods Ancestors - The Rescue of Celtic Rituals - Allan Shepard Amid the mists of time, an ancestral call echoes, inviting those who seek an authentic path to reconnect with the sacred. In this...
Print version AU$ 61.40 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Stories to read and reflect on life    By Francisco Rodrigues Júnior
In a world where imagination runs wild and reality mixes with the fantastic, the stories in this book invite the reader to embark on a magical and surreal journey. Here, mysterious creatures inhabi...
Print version AU$ 30.82
Crônicas    By João Calazans Filho
João Calazans Filho is a Brazilian writer known for his profound storytelling and insightful exploration of human nature. His works, translated into multiple languages, capture the essence of life,...
Print version AU$ 92.38 | EBook Version AU$ 7.44
if there is one, is it the last frontier to be crossed by homosexual to find their complete access to every sphere of society?    By Luis Alexandre Ribeiro Branco
When we think about postmodernism we have to consider its implication in every aspect of society and none would doubt that homosexuality is one of these major implication especially for the contemp...
Print version AU$ 12.58
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