In the words of Karl Marxf: "In order to be able to transform (society and / or our social condition) it is necessary, first, to be able to transform ..." Here is the real meaning of this book...
Print version AU$ 29.14
É sobre estar num dia em casa e o pensamento vagar a muitos lugares e a idealizar muitos sonhos, anseios e expectativas. Esse é um breve livreto de um dia de muitas idéias e muitas indagações sob...
EBook Version AU$ 5.48
Philosophic Poems - Poetic considerations for a world in chaos is a book by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian), Aline Franco (Italo-Brazilian) and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide o...
Print version AU$ 31.75 | EBook Version AU$ 7.44
Philosophic Poems - Poetic considerations for a world in chaos is a book by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian), Aline Franco (Italo-Brazilian) and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide o...
Print version AU$ 31.29 | EBook Version AU$ 7.44
This book is a translation of the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS. In it, the author narrates his life story from childhood in the 1950s to 2006, as well as his passion for Sophia, as well as proposing...
Print version AU$ 64.66 | EBook Version AU$ 8.83
How to create a new meaning for your life    By Victor Luchesi Barlow e Vitor Amicis Mafra Diniz
What if there is no God? How to create a new meaning for your life is an existential journey marked by the deconstruction of ideas and dogmas that we take as true, up to the construction of a new, ...
Print version AU$ 78.03
Este livro trata da mente e do espírito e a teoria do conhecimento, a epistemologia, de uma visão espiritualista.
Print version AU$ 87.43 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
the problem of being as being    By ALDER D'PASS
Este livro trata da metafísica, e o problema do ser enquanto ser.
Print version AU$ 34.46 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Este livro trata das meditações de René Descartes, matemático e filósofo francês. No livro realizamos comentários sobre o texto de Descartes e no fim de cada capítulo realizamos perguntas e as resp...
Print version AU$ 75.63 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
O objetivo deste livro é propor a constituição de uma nova ciência, com fundamentação filosófica. Neste sentido, a Psicosmologia se constituiria em sistema científico, enquanto parte da observação ...
Print version AU$ 98.98 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
O livro trata da questão "o que é real?" No livro fazemos um questionamento sobre a realidade do Universo, do mundo físico e apresentamos a teoria do "Psicosmo, a realidade psi-interativa, a realid...
Print version AU$ 45.70 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Celio Azevedo is a graduate journalist and philosopher, postgraduate professor and author, with MBA in Business Management from UCAM and MBA in Executive Marketing from UGF, registration number MTb...
Print version AU$ 22.06 | EBook Version AU$ 5.20
World Of Lies    By Célio Azevedo Desy Hambarliyska
The Best Of Philosophic Poems - Part I (World of Lies) is a book by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian) and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide on how to live in a world controlled by t...
Print version AU$ 20.04 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Chaotic World    By Célio Azevedo Desy Hambarliyska
The Best Of Philosophic Poems - Part II (Chaotic World) is a final book from trilogy by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian), and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide on how to live in a ...
Print version AU$ 19.88 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
This is not a message like any other. It is able to offer us, in a synthesized way, the recipe for living in peace with oneself and with others. Several topics, the most relevant for a more serene ...
EBook Version AU$ 3.94
Nicolo Machiavelli    By Nicolo Machiavelli
"The Prince" is a classic political treatise written by Niccolò Machiavelli in the 16th century. In this seminal work, Machiavelli explores the complexities of power and governance, offering insigh...
Print version AU$ 28.94 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
O livro trata da medicina espiritual, principalmente da transfusão se energia espiritual por meio dos passes e imposição das mãos.
Print version AU$ 60.54
by Franz Kafka    By Franz Kafka
"The Metamorphosis" is a novella written by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. The story begins abruptly with the inexplicable transformation of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, into a giant ...
Print version AU$ 17.29 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Doubt & Wishes    By João Calazans Filho
Life is a journey filled with uncertainties, longings, and moments of profound discovery. In *Doubt & Wishes*, João Calazans Filho invites readers to explore the human soul, where emotions are unta...
Print version AU$ 33.73 | EBook Version AU$ 7.44
Poesia    By João Calazans Filho
We live in troubled times, filled with chasms and fleeting disagreements that alter life without the awareness of those who have been changed. POETRY emerges as a powerful tool in such moments, tra...
Print version AU$ 62.10 | EBook Version AU$ 7.44
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