Restoring the apostolic Sound Doctrine    By ZÉLIO CABRAL
Adherents of the Pre-trib claim that God will not allow the Church suffers in the period known as the "Great Tribulation. But does God's Word really teaches that there will be a secret rapture seve...
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A treatise of the redemption and reconciliation that is in the blood of Christ    By John Owen
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ is a polemical work, designed to show, among other things, that the doctrine of universal redemption is unscriptural and destructive of the gospel. Those w...
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Volume 1    By John Owen
Works Of John Owen
Print version AU$ 52.72
Is Where I Am    By Zen Monk Meiho Gensho
Petrúcio Chalegre, renowned consultant to companies, knows very well the eye of the ordinary man, having actively participated, for decades, in the business world, with all of its passions and ambi...
Print version AU$ 20.73 | EBook Version AU$ 5.76
From the poetic narrative to a scientific explanation    By Alberto Canen
More than 300,000 books sold! Genesis, the seven days of Creation ... Where does the text that makes up the first part of the Bible come from? Is its text a mere introductory poem ... or is it a ...
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Language Reform: SEL: Language Balanced System    By Elias do Amaral Viana - Reacionário da Linguagem
Nietzsche: "There are no facts, only interpretations". "The main lie is the one we tell ourselves". That's what Nietzsche told himself! Jesus was and is a fact, he is risen! Nietzsche was an...
Print version AU$ 19.94 | EBook Version AU$ 6.55
Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel achaIAH    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the achaIAH angel, this angel influences those born on 03/26, 06/07, 08/19, 10/31 and 01/12 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
Print version AU$ 33.15
How to Contact the 72 kabbalistic Angels From God    By Frater Eisenheim
With the help of holy angels and heavenly spirits, you will be able to grow and develop your full potential. You will discover the purpose of living, even taking the beatings that life usually give...
Print version AU$ 66.56
On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965    By Elias do Amaral Viana - "O reacionário da língua"
Christianity is the greatest contribution to Cognition and Language. On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965 Elias do Amaral Viana “The Language Reactionary” Language is my metaphysic...
Print version AU$ 22.12 | EBook Version AU$ 6.32
Revised, Annotated, and Cursed (and with 66 adapted rituals)    By Lírio Baldo
The book "The Modern Satanic Bible" by Lírio Baldo is a work that aims to explore and revisit Satanism from a contemporary perspective, offering a detailed and commented interpretation of important...
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The Rescue of Celtic Rituals    By Allan Shepard/Luiz Santos
Gods Ancestors - The Rescue of Celtic Rituals - Allan Shepard Amid the mists of time, an ancestral call echoes, inviting those who seek an authentic path to reconnect with the sacred. In this...
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The Spiritual Path to Building Powerful Brands    By Peterson Sitonio
The Power Beyond the Brand: Aligning Purpose, Innovation, and Spirituality is a work that transcends the traditional concept of branding. Peterson Sitonio, an experienced graphic designer and brand...
Print version AU$ 173.43 | EBook Version AU$ 17.22
From monoriginal to transoriginality    By LadyDaniel
A Bible for the Deaf: that was, at least, the initial proposal. Driven by deep questions, the author presents a unique, creative, and provocative reinterpretation of the Book of Genesis. The work s...
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This thought-provoking book explores the fascinating intersection between science and faith, tackling some of the most debated questions about evolution, creation, and the Bible. With a balanced an...
Print version AU$ 19.88
Some advice for single frustrated adults, based on life experience.
EBook Version AU$ 9.00
Lighting up the cosmic consciousness.    By luz de Miel
rainbow movement of light. SelvaBelfior. There is so much to say, But everything comes to the same point Whether it be joy, beauty, Pain or sadness, everything, everything It means the s...
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The book tells the story of Jesus hearing from the archangel St. Gabriel the account of his birth and the life of his mother St. Mary and his father St. Joseph. And, as it was Christmas Eve, the ar...
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Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel jeliEL    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the jeliEL angel, this angel influences those born on 03/21, 06/02, 08/14, 10/26 and 01/07 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
Print version AU$ 33.03
The seven annual Feasts of the people of Israel were: Passover, Bread Asmos, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles (Leviticus 23). There is a huge need for the Church of Chri...
Print version AU$ 18.93 | EBook Version AU$ 5.20
Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel mahasIAH    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the mahasIAH angel, this angel influences those born on 03/24, 06/05, 08/17, 10/29 and 01/10 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
Print version AU$ 33.03
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