How to publish and sell your books for free through Author Freely:

  1. Register as an author

    Fill out the registration details to become part of the Author Freely community.
  2. Submit your book

    Rest assured, we don’t cherry-pick the books uploaded to our platform. Your work will be published the way you prefer.
  3. Customise your book

    Create a cover using our online cover generator or add the one you already have. Set the size, finish, spine and paper stock.
  4. Calculate your royalty payments

    Tell us how much you want to earn per book sold on Author Freely. Our system will use this value (and your printing choices) t calculate the final price of your book!
  5. Publish your book

    Now you’re ready to publish! Choose where you want to sell your work in addition to the Author Freely website.
  1. Global distribution for your book

    Once your book is published, it will be available for purchase both within Australian and worldwide!
  2. Hands-off order fulfillment

    Every time an order is placed for your book, it’s sent to the printer where the copy is printed and sent directly to the customer.
  3. Payment of royalties

    Every book sold is money in your account! With each purchase of your book, you’ll receive the royalty amount set by you.
Take the first step! Register as an author

Control your book price

Fill in the fields to see how much you should sell your book for to get the royalties you deserve. You can even calculate the cost of bulk-ordering copies of your book at the same time!

Publication type:

Choose at least one publication type

Book format:

Royalties per sale:

Number of copies to bulk-order-add:


Fill in the fields to see how much your book will cost.

Fill out the form to calculate the purchase prices for you and your readers.

There's just a little left to do now!
Tell us about your book to simulate
its price.
Recommended Retail Price (RRP) for bookstores:
AU$ 0.00
AU$ 0.00
Cost to you (optional):
AU$ 0.00
1 unit
AU$ 0.00
15 units*

*value per unit

Publish your book for free
Para formato A4 ou A5, são permitidas até 700 páginas! O número de páginas será ajustado para este valor.

Check out the tutorial

Why choose Author Freely?

  • Publishing with Author Freely is easy, secure and 100% free.
  • We believe in a fair go for all authors, so we don’t gatekeep who can publish on our platform.
Author Freely is the largest self-publishing network in Australia!
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independent Australia authors
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