To inspire and expire Poetry in verse and prose. **** For overseas purchases visit the website.
Print version AU$ 18.34
Lullaby Lyrics And Photos
Print version AU$ 14.60 | EBook Version AU$ 4.22
Exercises and Practices    By Rogerio Romero
Learning to Learn: Once Einstein, here in Brazil, was amazed to see his Brazilian friend with a notebook making several notes throughout the day and asked: - What do you write down in that no...
EBook Version AU$ 6.04
O folclore das tropas, tropeiros e cargueiros no Vale do Paraíba    By Rodrigo César Corrêa Morgado
Esta é uma obra ampliada, tomada por base cânone do tema escrito há mais de 40 anos por Tom e Thereza Maia. Vencedor do Prêmio Silvio Romeiro em 1980. A ideia foi mostrar o Tropeirismo com maior Ci...
Print version AU$ 28.84 | EBook Version AU$ 5.48
EBook Version AU$ 24.20
This is an updated version of the previous book "The Art of My Classy Nude Unveiled - from same author Bying this art you"ll help this story to be known, reaching as many hands as it's possible,...
Print version AU$ 1,080.42
Learn to draw flowers, leaves, cacti, succulents and others step by step guide    By Jideon F Marques
This is such a playful, sometimes delicate, and easier-than-you-probably-expect art form that doesn’t require many materials, but does allow you to branch out and create something gorgeous by apply...
EBook Version AU$ 8.55
Coloring book with numbers    By Adrian C. Perez
Este es otro de mis libros de colorear en este caso son dragones con los que nuestros peques disfrutaran pintando y además con una sección nueva de 15 paginas para que aprendan a contar los dragon...
Print version AU$ 100.47
Romeo and Juliet : Illustration,The Mika King Version Ingles    By THE MIKA KING,Wiilian Shakespeare
Wiilian Shakespeare was an Englis whiter ,poet,and playwrigth.The Mika King,Michael Spehner Ortiz,He is an illustrator,painter,muralist,poet,writer,French Spanish,he brings us this version of romeo...
Print version AU$ 79.33 | EBook Version AU$ 17.94
MINHAS ARTES DESENHOS PARA COLORIR Apenas sua capa é escrita em Inglês, o livro não contém textos, apenas figuras para colorir. Você está prestes a descobrir a ferramenta perfeita para relaxar, d...
Print version AU$ 33.97
The Spiritual Path to Building Powerful Brands    By Peterson Sitonio
The Power Beyond the Brand: Aligning Purpose, Innovation, and Spirituality is a work that transcends the traditional concept of branding. Peterson Sitonio, an experienced graphic designer and brand...
Print version AU$ 173.43 | EBook Version AU$ 17.22
This is another test upload
Print version AU$ 18.92 | EBook Version AU$ 7.00
Introduction to the Design Spiral: A participatory and iterative method for creating Interfaces, Products, and Services    By Andrei Gurgel
In this book, Andrei Gurgel presents an approach to Design based on his extensive experience of over 25 years working exclusively with digital solutions. He believes that collaboration is crucial f...
Print version AU$ 56.24
Synopsis A book of poetry and tales as far as the view reaches or as Americans say: "AS FAR AS EYES CAN SEE." This book talks a little about what hangs in the head of the poet Marcos Gonçalv...
Print version AU$ 52.44 | EBook Version AU$ 282.42
A Melodic Journey through Love and Romance    By Socialuser
Embark on a lyrical journey through the depths of love and romance with 'Harmony of Hearts: A Melodic Collection of Poetry.' This enchanting ebook invites readers to explore the intricacies of huma...
EBook Version AU$ 4.64
462 PICTURE EDITION    By Marcos Pontal
Learn about the history of Christian films in Brazil that started with the help of Americans (United States). Cinema being taken where it did not exist, bringing cinema to everyone! And still ...
Print version AU$ 34.45 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
INTRODUCTION Hello, dear crochet friend, and welcome to the world of Crochet Little Heroes. In the pages of this book, you will find everything you need to recreate twenty iconic heroes with colo...
EBook Version AU$ 9.80
Some poems and poetry written in special moments of the author's life. He talks about love, nature, truths and lies, in a melodic and sentimental tone. This book is intended for romantic people wh...
Print version AU$ 19.36 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
QAF    By Michael Novithy
Quadrinho Originário da Serie Queer as Folk
Print version AU$ 17.14 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of drawing. His first book, Fun With a Pencil, published in 1939 is a wonderfully craft...
EBook Version AU$ 45.16
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