More than ever before, advances in the fields of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have substantially affected most segments of our individual life in today’s world. Manifested in v...
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The population explosion in the Federal District (DF), Brazil, mainly due to the transfer of the capital of Brazil to the Central Upland, caused a fast and disorderly growth, and as a consequence, ...
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SUA AULA SERÁ UM SUCESSO!!! Todos nós professores sabemos que nossos alunos adoram atividades extras como jogos e brincadeiras. Um bom warm up pode garantir o sucesso da aula. Por melhor que o mét...
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A book that describes a method to build a functional Time Machine.
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Where not all that glitters is gold    By Getulio Tamid
Seis bons amigos acabam de ingressar em uma faculdade americana. Eles dividem seus quartos e até mesmo seus pertences.O que eles não sabiam era que algo muito valioso porém perigoso havia sido deix...
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Now it´s yout turn to speak English    By John Douglas Ferreira Athair
Now it´s your turn to speak English!
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The Ark Of Secrets    By Cesar Silva
Atlantis, a legendary land full of heroes and magic everywhere. While the terrible Titans tried to invade, prince Neptune and the prophetess Cassandra struggled to decipher a enigma that could chan...
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Reflections on Two Means of Expression in Jean-Paul Sartre    By Thaís de Sá Oliveira
Based on a bibliographic research, the present book aims to present two different ways of expression used by Jean-Paul Sartre – philosophy and literature – to develop his Existentialism. Through th...
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What happens when an indian brave hunter stumbles upon the legend that protects the forest? If you do not know, discover the answer, satisfying your curiosity with this beautiful comics version. If...
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For students of English as a second language    By John Goes
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Brazilian Classics Volume 1    By Machado de Assis
The novel is narrated by the dead protagonist Brás Cubas, who tells his own life story from beyond the grave, noting his mistakes and failed romances. The fact of being already deceased allows Brá...
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The Great history of the Salvatore brothers led the 1st and the 2nd chapter to Salvador - Bahia, in bound for New Orleans and Montreal with the original, Ernest, Rebecca, Klaus and Brida. Mark, Ma...
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Recipes, Easy, great, tasty, fantastic
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Scales and Modes    By Alexandre Silva Cruz
DICTIONARY OF SCALES AND MODES FOR ELETRIC AND ACOUSTIC GUITAR IN DIAGRAMS To start with, this dictionary of learning in diagrams, which the goal is to provide a practical routine, concomitantly o...
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achievement    By Luis Paulo Vieira
Conquer, love, passion, dating, facebook
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Unused justice Novel In Unused Justice, on the turn of the first page, the reader will find himself inside a legal drama. Jefferson Parker’s anguish externalizes human being’s great concern. Wh...
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Restoring the apostolic Sound Doctrine    By ZÉLIO CABRAL
Adherents of the Pre-trib claim that God will not allow the Church suffers in the period known as the "Great Tribulation. But does God's Word really teaches that there will be a secret rapture seve...
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For the student, teacher, or experienced technician, this is your one-stop guide for formulas and calculations on nearly any electronics subject, including explanations of use, derivations, and pra...
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Master Method
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A treatise of the redemption and reconciliation that is in the blood of Christ    By John Owen
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ is a polemical work, designed to show, among other things, that the doctrine of universal redemption is unscriptural and destructive of the gospel. Those w...
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