For the student, teacher, or experienced technician, this is your one-stop guide for formulas and calculations on nearly any electronics subject, including explanations of use, derivations, and pra...
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The global population is expected to reach 10 billion people in the next 30 years. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, an additional 52 million tons of nitroge...
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The Time Tunnel Graphic Novel    By Irwin Allen
United States Senator Leroy Clark arrives from Washington, DC, to investigate the progress of Project Tic-Toc in Arizona. He is met outside the subterranean complex by Dr. Doug Phillips, who ushers...
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For a long time as a teacher, I came across students' difficulties in the architecture of preparing mathematical questions. In view of this, I decided to investigate the negotiations of thisEntre...
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100+ INSIGHTS for You to Become a Super Human in the Digital Age    By Jonathan Peixoto
Everyday life is made up of habits, and they are what define who you will be in one, five or ten years. Also called on social media by Jony Peixoto - @jonypeixoto whose name is Jonathan P. Peixoto....
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In an increasingly competitive and dynamic market, implementing Agile methodologies is no longer an option it is a necessity. Implementing Scrum in Your Company, written by Elias Miguel de Oliveira...
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The metropolitan region of Campinas, made by 19 cities, Concentrate expressive part of “PAULISTA” PIB due to the strong presence of entrepreneur of economic importance ,that need of professional w...
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Bilingual Edition    By Roberto José Monteiro de Souza
“The scope of this work is to supply mathematical tools that can be useful for predicting the extension of spreading area due to oil spill at given flow rate and depth, as it is based on the nee...
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Some years ago I had written a book directed to anyone who designs electronic and electric circuits. Engineers, technicians, teachers, students and hobbyists took a real benefit from that book. The...
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Dev-C++ Programming    By Andrew Fairbairn
I wrote this book specially for people who prefer reading in English. In order to simplify your understanding of the C++ programming language I've used the famous Integrated Development Environment...
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Neste número da nossa revista INCB Eletrônica abordaremos assuntos de nossa atualidade tecnológica, contudo sem perder os fundamentos e conhecimentos do passado os quais nos trouxeram até aqui. Um ...
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Introduction to the Design Spiral: A participatory and iterative method for creating Interfaces, Products, and Services    By Andrei Gurgel
In this book, Andrei Gurgel presents an approach to Design based on his extensive experience of over 25 years working exclusively with digital solutions. He believes that collaboration is crucial f...
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Clean, renewable and sustainable energy    By Osvaldo Dalla Coletta
Circular Energy: Circular energy means recycling, take back the amount of energy used minus the amount of energy dissipated in the process of transforming energy from one form to another, such as m...
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Master the art of crafting effective AI prompts, enhancing interaction quality and relevance    By Rui Jorge Claro
Learn prompt engineering effectively with samples and tips. It makes all the hard questions you always wanted to make. Some of them will surprise you!
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Santa Rita do Sapucaí - Brazil    By Joao Alberto da Costa Brentan
Santa Rita do Sapucaí stands out as a unique city, renowned for its technology companies and successful enterprises. This book seeks to unravel the history behind the city's innovative essence, exp...
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As quantum computing rapidly evolves, professionals and tech enthusiasts are seeking ways to stay ahead of the curve. Traditional programming knowledge isn’t enough, and understanding quantum compu...
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The Data Science tools follow the analysis cycle of the data analysis. When we have a problem, the first task is to understand it well and think about the data set that could best help us. Understa...
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Currenty Tax System    By Osvaldo Dalla Coletta
The current Brazilian tax system has over eighty taxes and is very complicated and confusing. This tax reform simplifies, rationalizes and replaces all these more than eighty taxes with just four t...
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Raising your beef, the right way and getting more meat in less time is the desire of every rancher. Thus, we know that beef animals are bovine breeds that have genetic characteristics suitable for ...
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Special Students    By JOAQUIN GENER
ChatGPT Complete Guide: Special for Students is the ultimate resource for students looking to harness the full potential of AI. This comprehensive guide simplifies the use of ChatGPT, showing how i...
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