7 Products In 7 Days Amazing Secrets Of Warp Speed Product Creation! If you've ever wanted to get a little sneaky peak at how someone else's online business works for once, even if it's to se...
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Your Blogging Success Guide Blogs With an Authoritative Voice Attract a Loyal Audience! There are Lots of Rambling Blogs on the Web today, but Blogging as an Authority on a Particular Subjec...
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In this digital age, your online presence is as important as your physical presence. LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, has become a powerhouse for personal branding and career develop...
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One Language, Countless Opportunities    By Jimmy L. de Mello
Welcome to "Python Mastery: From Basics to Advanced Applications," a transformative course designed to guide you through the exciting world of Python programming. Whether you're a beginner eager to...
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Codes for starters    By Célio Azevedo
This is the book Python for Beginners (Codes for starters). In this book, you will be guided through the fundamentals of the Python programming language, from basic concepts to slightly more advanc...
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Concetti, Fondamenti e Applicazioni    By Enrico Guardelli
Città intelligenti, Città intelligenti, Internet delle cose, IoT, Sostenibilità urbana, Tecnologia urbana, Governance digitale, Mobilità urbana, Trasporti intelligenti, Infrastrutture intelligenti,...
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In an increasingly competitive and dynamic market, implementing Agile methodologies is no longer an option it is a necessity. Implementing Scrum in Your Company, written by Elias Miguel de Oliveira...
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Dev-C++ Programming    By Andrew Fairbairn
I wrote this book specially for people who prefer reading in English. In order to simplify your understanding of the C++ programming language I've used the famous Integrated Development Environment...
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Ultimate Multi Level Marketing Secrets Do You Dream of Becoming a Head Honcho? Is Your Sales Job Not Lucrative Enough? Do You Feel that Your Salary Does Not Reflect The Hard Work You Put In?...
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Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize industries by streamlining content creation, improving quality, and enabling new possibilities. While it offers tremendous benefits, it's essential ...
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Make money with today's most profitable trends    By Anderson Corba
Provide your professional expertise in a liquid market. These days, you can do more than just sell your old books on Amazon and your old handbags on eBay - now you can sell your professional skills...
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Logistics for a New Humanity    By Carujo
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that develops intelligent systems. It operates through a set of algorithms applied to logic. AI is multidisciplinary, including ...
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As quantum computing rapidly evolves, professionals and tech enthusiasts are seeking ways to stay ahead of the curve. Traditional programming knowledge isn’t enough, and understanding quantum compu...
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The Data Science tools follow the analysis cycle of the data analysis. When we have a problem, the first task is to understand it well and think about the data set that could best help us. Understa...
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It’s Just a Matter of Time    By JOSE BARILE DI IANNI
The friendship of young students begins in the late 1970s at the Computer Science faculty and would unite them for life. But the reality outside academic life had no playful contours. In the voids...
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Applications and Trends    By Enrico Guardelli
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized medical radiology, allowing rapid and accurate analysis of large volumes of data and the detection of imperceptible patterns in the ...
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Styles and personalities    By Larissa Moura Nascimento
In the shadows of the digital world, there are individuals who transcend the common notion of freedom and rebellion. In "Hackers: Styles and Personalities", a revealing dive into the fascinating un...
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Social Media Marketing Boost Discover 100 Powerful Social Media Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Following, Gain Authority And Increase Engagement On Social Media! Social Media Marketing ...
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Relationship build business    By Fernando Moreira
Customer Relationship Marketing Relationship build business ... how do you relate to your target audience? If you want to have a long-term customer based circle, building relationship is esse...
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