If you succumb to The Power of Aphrodite at work, be prepared for big risks!    By João José da Costa
Aphrodite were a Goddess of Mythology; she surely is the most powerful deity on Earth. And to her power, no man resists and many of them do real crazy things for her. Her power was never overcome A...
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Farm Management consists of planning, and controlling the operations carried out on the rural property. This administration provides a deeper knowledge of the activities carried out on the rural pr...
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In this digital age, your online presence is as important as your physical presence. LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, has become a powerhouse for personal branding and career develop...
EBook Version AU$ 6.01
Yes, it is    By Paul Saints
Not just a book!
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How To Host A Seminar And Keep Huge Profit    By Davi Claúdio
Hosting live seminars can be a highly profitable venture when done right. Live Seminar Riches: How To Host A Seminar And Keep Huge Profits is your ultimate guide to planning, executing, and maximiz...
EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Develop the right mindset to transition from employee to entrepreneur    By Anderson Corba
One of the most difficult transitions for people is going from the mindset of an employee to that of an entrepreneur. The idea of ​​working for yourself, of having your own business, is fantastic. ...
EBook Version AU$ 4.64
The Spiritual Path to Building Powerful Brands    By Peterson Sitonio
The Power Beyond the Brand: Aligning Purpose, Innovation, and Spirituality is a work that transcends the traditional concept of branding. Peterson Sitonio, an experienced graphic designer and brand...
Print version AU$ 173.43 | EBook Version AU$ 17.22
Como você começou.    By Fredimar Silva Teixeira
O poder em um clique!
EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Organize your time, increase productivity and stay motivated throughout the year!    By Ruben
Make 2025 your most productive year with the 2025 Diary – Productivity and Motivation! Designed to help you better organize your time, this diary combines functionality and inspiration to boost you...
Print version AU$ 41.71
Recognized as one of the largest emerging economies in the world, Brazil is a promising destination for international investors looking to expand in a dynamic environment full of opportunities. How...
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Over time it has been noted that the economic problem of governments; Of institutions; Organizations, and individuals, stemmed from the scarcity of products and / or services, because people's need...
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The metropolitan region of Campinas, made by 19 cities, Concentrate expressive part of “PAULISTA” PIB due to the strong presence of entrepreneur of economic importance ,that need of professional w...
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This book is part of the Administration & Collection. The first volume of the collection was Administration & Poetry. This book is a collection of articles published by the administrator, teacher, ...
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Work is a reality for every human being capable of assuming and exercising it, and in conditions of normality, individuals work most of their lives. In the multiple and differentiated human societi...
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João Calazans Filho is a renowned Brazilian writer known for his deep exploration of cultural, social, and human themes. Born in Salvador, Bahia, he has built a literary career that spans various...
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WHY MANAGEMENT - MADE IN BRAZIL? https://youtu.be/uF4Y1BjIXIs?si=xZRj_6eTiu4ejNJh Brazil is a nation that has experienced an economic rollercoaster over the decades. Between plans, tables and...
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The management of natural resources in urban areas is currently a topic of great concern for municipal public managers, especially the environmental resources of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs)...
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Most Brazilian rural properties are managed without proper administration, with few ranchers performing zootechnical, sanitary and accounting records. Thus, most ranchers do not have reliable recor...
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The current economic environment leads to the adoption of strategic initiatives in order to guarantee the survival of companies. Companies need to have the best resources. In thiscontext, the eli...
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Welcome to "Application of 5S in a Civil Construction Industry Company". This book is an invitation to explore the fascinating world of organizational efficiency and business transformation through...
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