Commercial aviation in Brazil has been facing great changes in the past years, from the regulatory point of view to a competition perspective, given the increase in demand, revision of past legisla...
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The sooner the child's literacy initiation process begins, the faster it will be learned. In the first three years of life, children have a greater potential to assimilate what is being taught. ...
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Life is a way of no return    By Marcos Melo
We can not change our past, but we can create a future
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Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel lelahEL    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the lelahEL angel, this angel influences those born on 03/25, 06/06, 08/18, 10/30 and 01/11 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
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INGLÊS PARA QUEM AINDA NÃO SABE TUDO. Sabe aqueles momentos que você fica na dúvida sobre qual forma deve usar um verbo ao falar ou escrever em inglês? Ou então, quando você tem ce...
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The present English textbook is in accordance with the theoretical development of Suggestopedic teaching and its newest development, Desuggestopedia The book reflects the theory of Suggestopedia...
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He stared at her intensely and noted that her hair was flowing like if she had taken a short breath in her face, very much like a sneeze, but she hadn't. She looked around and saw lots of white do...
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“The Angel Gabriel”, tells his own story It is a book of revelation of the mysteries of the universe and human life. Revelations are in every chapter. Each sentence and each event narrated has a ...
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Once again Flamengo joins the history of football Brazilian and worldwide. After winning in game exciting Copa Libertadores 2019 in the November 23 in Lima, Peru, and to conquer the Brazilian Champ...
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FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE,magic book and spells
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(English Version)    By MARCO PAULO SILVA
Uriah, only with 8 years old, finds himself involved and confronted with the unimaginable, after the ship he was following, along with his parents, crashed into a piece of land. More than a mere ...
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Social Media Marketing Boost Discover 100 Powerful Social Media Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Following, Gain Authority And Increase Engagement On Social Media! Social Media Marketing ...
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Relationship build business    By Fernando Moreira
Customer Relationship Marketing Relationship build business ... how do you relate to your target audience? If you want to have a long-term customer based circle, building relationship is esse...
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A Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The objective of this military strategic simulation will be to see how it would have been possible for Egypt, from 1560 BC - after the expulsion of the Hyksos - to conquer, consolidate and maintain...
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An Ionian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation, the tactical maneuver will have three phases, the first being already done, the approach; the second, ongoing, the maneuver phase, when the Periplos (double overflowing) will be ...
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Two distinct realities, that will be united through the hands of a little girl. The book The Little Sophie tells the story of a little girl who lives in a majestic castle, situated in the south...
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A Russian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The scenario of the wargame that will be used will allow to reinforce four important factors for the success of the campaign, which certainly would have been thought and executed to face the German...
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A Russian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The scenario of the wargame that will be used will not allow association with the Russian Northwest Front (Prussia), meeting our study, because what will be trying to prove is that despite a mistak...
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A Persian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation, it will be considered whether it would have been possible for the Persians, at least, to obtain a "Pyrrhic victory" over the Macedonians, forcing Alexander to rethink or postpone...
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A Hindu Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation, the hypothesis of what would have been the result if the Hindus had explored the strength of their organizational structure - balanced formations relying on mutual support betwee...
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