Dereck tells the story of an American sociopath, who owns two personalities, one night and the other diurnal, who, wounded by the pains of his past, needs some alternative way of crying out his ang...
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The story of a little girl who was born without color and even the clothes she wore was colorless. A little girl who because of this fate lived recluse and lived with her pets. Until one day, the ...
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A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall on 19 December 1843. ...
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Palavras Cruzadas em inglês    By John Goes
Desenvolve o seu Inglês de modo divertida através de cruzadas. O idioma inglês é nos apresentado frequentemente na sua forma escrita. Pense: testes, (vestibular) exames, legendas de filmes, i...
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It is said that long ago there was a place where happiness was part of the customs of all who lived there. A privileged place that compares to a dream in live and brinks the beauty of a simple p...
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Advanced - C1    By Jimmy L. Mello (Org.)
Livro avançado Mello Method - Preparação ao C1
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Noé Costa’s second book leads us through an inspiring, thrilling and magical journey along the banks of the Rio Negro and its igarapés. This novel will awaken your imagination as you embark on a...
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An Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulations of these naval battles we will use combined adaptations between the board games "War Galley" and "Flying Colors" of GMT Games, thus characterizing well to have been a century of ...
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A practical guide to the English language    By Chris Fitzgerald
English Demystified deals with a wide range of issues which are encountered by English language students and native speakers alike. By examining the workings of the English language which are relev...
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Chris Fitzgerald’s Business English Manual is the perfect book for ambitious people who want to improve their business vocabulary. Comprehensive and challenging, it is the ideal guide for self-stud...
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Sometimes we don't we care about certain things or certain people and we forget where there is the word “lack” that can be expressed in a way that attacks us, perpetually! In this story we ca...
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Dom was used to people coming to his home and leaving to never return, but Leão was unique: his disappearance forced him to face himself. Trying to live his lonely routine between letters and unfam...
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe IV - Vol 1    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe IV - Vol 2    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
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The Geophysics of the Planet    By José Ruiz Watzeck
Natural and hidden phenomena that devastate our planet, now, thanks to the most sophisticated technologies, allow us to study them in an unprecedented way, satellites scan the entire planet and rev...
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Valentine's Treason    By Valentina Ferraz
This Book contains the English and Portuguese versions Este Livro contém as versões em inglês e português Presentation by luvimacos Some acquaintances, friends, and others not so friends, wh...
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A One-Way Ticket    By Marcos Antonio de Paula
A would-be writer finds no inspiration to start his career and, as a solution, he decides to take a bus ride to a destination whichis right, but longenough to spend several days recording the event...
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workbook    By Márcia Cristine Agustini
Curso completo de conversação em inglês.
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This book of Biology has the definite purpose of refuting the theory of evolution and exalt God as the one responsible for creating. We dedicate this volume to the Creator that is very close to the...
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Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of drawing. His first book, Fun With a Pencil, published in 1939 is a wonderfully craft...
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