Learn English with    By Yvan Henrique da Silva
"The Flash Learning" é um livro inovador projetado para ensinar e aprender inglês de maneira eficaz e envolvente. Desenvolvido pelo experiente Professor Yvan Henrique, que possui uma vasta experiên...
Print version AU$ 66.86
To imagine a life without them is to live in emptiness, in darkness. My dogs! I have and have had many and here I will tell you a little about each one so that it can be preserved in my memory...
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Based on real facts, this work presents the reality suffered by teachers who are hostages of both the educational process and legislation, which does not protect them for events like the ones t...
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Este livro trata da tríade universal: Deus, espirito, universo. Estas são três questões fundamentais da filosofia.
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This is the captivating story of a child prodigy who, since the age of 4, was already immersed in the world of technology. He was the last of an analytical/digital generation, a bit nerdy and extre...
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In the dynamic and complex landscape of modern industry, the relentless quest for operational excellence, improved quality and maximum efficiency has driven organizations to explore a wide variety ...
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"An Antarctic Mystery" is another captivating novel by Jules Verne, originally titled "Le Sphinx des glaces" in French and published in 1897. This story follows the adventures of the narrator, Jeor...
EBook Version AU$ 4.08
"The Mysterious Island" is an adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874. The story follows the adventures of five Americans—Cyrus Smith, Gideon Spilett, Neb, Herbert, and Pencroff—who find ...
EBook Version AU$ 4.08
Are you ready to turn your midday meals into a healthy and delicious experience? Our Ebook "Healthy Flavors: 35 Recipes for Fitness Lunch" is your ticket to a world of taste and well-being, without...
EBook Version AU$ 13.03
CBT exercises and coping strategies for children how to deal with anxiety and stress    By Jideon F Marques
INTRODUCTION Teaching children how to identify, understand, and be in control of their thinking, mood, and behavior is crucial to their ability to self-regulate. This book introduces these skills ...
EBook Version AU$ 10.79
🌟 Explore the irresistible world of flavor with our eBook "Chicken Delights: 100 Recipes That Will Transform Your Kitchen!" 🌟 Get ready for an exciting culinary journey, where each page is fille...
EBook Version AU$ 47.42
Prepare yourself    By Alexandre de Oliveira Junior
Job Interview in English é um manual que irá te ajudar a se preparar melhorar para fazer uma entrevista em inglês. Destinado a pessoas com nível avançado ou fluente da língua, você poderá praticar ...
EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Motivational Phrases    By Janaína Gomes
Planning our goals is not enough. It takes persistence, focus, and discipline. This ebook brings content that will motivate you to dream even bigger and help you achieve your goals.
EBook Version AU$ 6.04
The Secrets of the Ruckenden Manuscript Revealed    By Terry Biddenden
Magus: The Secrets of the Ruckenden Manuscript Revealed is an extraordinary book which looks at the occult arts and the world of magic through the eyes of one of its adepts, a medieval warlock call...
Print version AU$ 54.79 | EBook Version AU$ 11.63
Atividades de leitura e conversação de nível avançado em inglês.    By William McPower
Material elaborado com o intuito de fornecer subsídios suficientes para que o estudante de inglês como segunda língua possa aprimorar sua capacidade de leitura, interpretação de textos e conversaçã...
Print version AU$ 37.60 | EBook Version AU$ 11.63
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Since 1862, politicians argued with the imperial government about the need to improve the border defenses of Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, which at that time were dangerously unguarded. Let's ...
Print version AU$ 13.75 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
It was a major battle in which the US Marine Corps and Navy landed and finally captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army (EIJ) during World War II. As there was the possibilit...
Print version AU$ 19.27 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Operation Badr was the code name for the Egyptian military operation to cross the Suez Canal and take the Israeli fortifications of the Bar Lev Line on October 6, 1973. Sadat was politically pressu...
Print version AU$ 18.39 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
It Is Natural to Feel Anxious    By Joel Silva
There’s a good chance that we’ve all experienced feelings of anxiety in response to real or perceived threats at one time or another. For most people, these feelings are normal as the brain is hard...
EBook Version AU$ 6.04
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Battle of Riachuelo, on June 11, lasted about eight hours and was decisive, as it contributed to the isolation of Paraguay and its ships never again tried to attack the allied fleet. The inferi...
Print version AU$ 16.50 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
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