Retrata se de um romance que lhe tirará todas as dúvidas sobre o verdadeiro significado de amar alguém e de ser amado. Tem muito drama,ação e aventuras pelo meio, a ler uma pessoa entra na históri...
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Uma obra de romance,drama,ação e aventura onde irás descobrir o verdadeiro significado de amar alguém e de ser amado. Será que é tudo como imaginamos?
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Dive into the captivating world of Romani culture through the pages of 'Sasto Romá: Unveiling the Treasures of Romani Culture.' This book is a heartfelt celebration of the vibrant and diverse herit...
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Organize se para que seus dias sejam melhores
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Whenever we try to understand life, the supernatural, we run into a series of concepts. Some say that hell exists, another that reincarnation is the truth, others believe only in resurrection and s...
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Adventure in the Lost Jungle    By Bruno Canada
On a beautiful sunny day, Bruno and his loyal friend Kiko embark on an exciting adventure in the jungle. They come across animal tracks, listen to the sounds of nature, and finally discover an anci...
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By jax
Quick and Safe Muscle Gain Guide" - This guide provides essential tips and techniques for efficiently building muscle while prioritizing safety.
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comparative perspectives.    By Sérgio Carrera
The diversity of police institutions worldwide has always caught my attention due to the very important work they perform for the good of society. However, in a way, I was also incited about why th...
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"The Voyage Out" is the debut novel written by Virginia Woolf, and it was first published in 1915. The novel is a precursor to Woolf's later, more experimental works and marks the beginning of her ...
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The Creator swore to David that a king will forever sit on his throne in Jerusalem and the Creator cannot lie, so he will purify the earth so that the pure and elect can enter, because the kingdom ...
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Behind the exhilarating speed and radiant victories of Formula 1 lies a more subtle, often unseen realm. The Dark Side Behind the Wheel peels back the layers, revealing the intricate tapestry of em...
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Summary: Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of an English country gentleman, meets Mr Darcy, a rich man who owns land. At first, Elizabeth hates him and thinks he is proud, but slowly her feelings s...
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ACRES Beyond The Garden tells the story of Odd, a little creature part of a species of tiny living beings that live inside a huge garden, they are known for being ACRES. After finding a sad butterf...
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A permission for the enemy to act    By André Luiz
There are more than 200 true reports of people in this book volume 1 and 2.
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Thirty Years' War from 1618 to 1648 is considered one of the most destructive wars in European history. It is estimated that between 4.5 and 8 million soldiers and civilians died as a direct re...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Cold War is a term commonly used to refer to a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. The Cold War marked the heyday of peace...
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Fanzine Graphic Novel    By Richard Linklater
Transcending the boundaries of technology and imagination, "Waking Life" is a revolutionary innovation in motion picture animation (now in comics). In this work, Wiley Wiggins travels through a ser...
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Stories of a Non-Life    By ALESSANDRO SILVA
Alexander Bogardan, a simple and peaceful guy who works as a web designer who witnesses a brutal murder, driven by his curiosity he tries to approach the scene but unfortunately he is discovered. T...
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Journalistic Chronicles    By Cláudio Cezar Freitas Silva
This work is the compilation of a series of chronicles published in newspapers, blogs, digital and print media, which translates the line of thought of the author, on various topics of social and...
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a Teacher's Resource    By Jason Biar
Esse e-book aborda as informações essências sobre pronúncia para alunos de nível básico, intermediário e avançado. Todo o livro foi planejado para aumentar a nota do aluno nos testes de proficiênci...
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