Brazilian Classics Volume 2    By Lima Barreto
. The focus of the work is the nationalism in the early years of the First Brazilian Republic and criticism to the middle-class and the bureaucratic government. The work is comical in the beginning...
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly    By José Guilherme Correa
Screen-writing is a unique literary form. Screenplays are like musical scores, in that they are intended to be interpreted on the basis of other artists' performances rather than serving as "finish...
Print version AU$ 35.42 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Some years ago I had written a book directed to anyone who designs electronic and electric circuits. Engineers, technicians, teachers, students and hobbyists took a real benefit from that book. The...
Print version AU$ 41.91
Insurrection    By J. P. Silverado
A Kingdom at peace... The society is governed by a board of equals... The wars ended long ago... But when the lust for power speaks louder... A bloody battle breaks out, like no other befo...
Print version AU$ 36.86
THE WITCH, won the Directing Award in the U.S. Dramatic category at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, where its premier received critical acclaim. THE WITCH also garnered awards from other national ...
Print version AU$ 30.89
It was once the story of an ET, Prince Bandy, who after searching for the treasure stolen by the mercenaries of his planet Zaraug, comes to Earth where the key of the mercenary treasure chest was l...
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Imagination, fantasy and language are integral parts of human beings. Through imagination, we are able to touch our deepest feelings and yearnings, and get to know ourselves and others better. Fant...
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Roswell He Survived    By Domingos Francisco Martins Araújo
The most informed people in Ufology know that part of the current technology lies without their inventors. No one has filed patents and many relate this to a spacecraft fall in Roswell, New Mexico,...
Print version AU$ 171.52 | EBook Version AU$ 20.01
Planet of flowers The stranger in Forex The famous Tavern Luz de Miel    By luz de miel
The stranger in Forex. Strange thing is being looked at as a foreigner even in the homeland. The famous Tavern. Dedicated to all the women. ♦Selva Belfior, nicknamedSelvabelorSelvabê...
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There is thinking and feeling, Sprout and flow In the creation of God.    By luz de Miel
There is thinking and feeling, Sprout and flow In the creation of God. Flows ever in the new yearning to live r existence. This is the flow not to be. SelvaBelfair. ...
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Lighting up the cosmic consciousness.    By luz de Miel
rainbow movement of light. SelvaBelfior. There is so much to say, But everything comes to the same point Whether it be joy, beauty, Pain or sadness, everything, everything It means the s...
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basic and intermediate    By Viviane Ap. de Lima Maschietto
Pratique a língua inglesa com os 50 exercícios selecionados práticos de autores renomados no ensino de uma nova linguagem.
Print version AU$ 17.02 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
A Treasury    By Decio Pignatari
A small collection of poems by Braziian Concrete Pioneer D. Pignatari, translated by Jose Guilherme Correa, who used to be his pupil and friend
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short comments on famous, popular, cult or hype books that flatly disappointed the reader
Print version AU$ 18.26
Textos Simples para Estudantes de Inglês    By Walter Truck
Aprenda Inglês com 7 Artigos Fáceis! **Os textos foram escritos para estudantes de inglês com nível intermediário** Neste livro, você lerá sobre os seguintes assuntos interessantes: - Como m...
Print version AU$ 12.64
This work is based on real facts of everyday school tells the story of several students from a school in the periphery and who are undisciplined, use drugs, speak curses in the classroom do not res...
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Dev-C++ Programming    By Andrew Fairbairn
I wrote this book specially for people who prefer reading in English. In order to simplify your understanding of the C++ programming language I've used the famous Integrated Development Environment...
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THE DESTINY OF THE EXECUTIONER    By Marcos Antonio Lavagnini
We can say that interest and power can facilitate their conquests; but it would be unconstructive if he understood power within his family and was contested at random. The story we tell in this ...
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Throug food and medicinal plants    By Inaury Diaz Di Medeiros
TRANSLATED BY / TRADUZIDO POR: Inaury Diaz Di Medeiros HEALING THROUGH FOOD Learn about the effectiveness of cancer-fighting substances. Conventional allopathic treatments, homeopathic and alte...
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Mirella has 17 yeaars, blonds hair and green curly eyes, she lives at the Garopaba's beach in Santa Catarina. Her mother is marine biology teacher.She always will dive with your father teaches to d...
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