Judah is the main tribe, because from it came our Savior and King, the Messiah. All tribes are important, but Judah's role was central, because it brought us the Savior of the world.
This work teaches meditations to lead us to the divine, to the encounter with the Messiah, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Discover the secrets of the Messiah through meditation. Meditation is the key to connecting with the divine, the key that was taken from us with sin. It opens the doors of paradise.
In the Messiah, King of Judah, we have eternal life, in Him, liberation, healing and eternity.
Knowing Judah's meditation is essential for us to find the original light that created everything.
In this work you will read things that seem crazy, that you have never heard of, such as the fact that David was generated by angels in his mother's womb, beginning the lineage of royal blood. Another thing that seems crazy is the fact that the work shows that Yeshua did not have human blood, because he did not have an earthly father, only a mother, and blood comes from the Father's DNA, that is, Yeshua's blood is heavenly, which is why the power contained in his blood is so immense and all the forces of darkness retreat before it.
Yeshua's blood is the true Grail, it is the DNA of eternity and immortality. When we accept it, his blood purifies our lives and makes us children of heaven because of his heavenly DNA and his name that is above all names.
You will not hear this anywhere else, because it is a heavenly revelation and you will understand that it makes sense, that there is a deep secret in the tribe of Judah.
ISBN | 9798230370871 |
Number of pages | 153 |
Edition | 1 (2025) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Binding | Paperback w/ flaps |
Colour | Black & white |
Paper type | Uncoated offset 75g |
Language | English |
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