Alf, an ordinary boy attending a regular school and living in a typical world, is about to embark on an extraordinary journey. A storm and a sudden drowsiness thrust Alf into a realm of thrilling adventures and intense battles. This world unfolds on a vast continent divided into distinct portions known as Territories, each governed by a Marquis. Amidst a raging war, Alf awakens in the comfort of a castle bed, discovering a new reality. Here, he forges new friendships and delves into the realm of Spirits, elemental entities that bestow their powers upon deserving humans through sacred pacts. As a General and his troops march forward into the fiery Territory, Alf must rise to the challenge and face him in combat. Prepare yourself for an awe-inspiring odyssey filled with wars, camaraderie, and heartfelt moments. Welcome to the enthralling realm of Territories: The Fire Wheel.
Number of pages | 204 |
Edition | 2 (2023) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Binding | Hard Cover |
Colour | Black & white |
Paper type | Cream |
Language | English |
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