Our fractured world volumes I

The Nadir of Sheer Lunacy

By David Diaz

Book Code: 568045


Juvenile nonfiction, National literature, Literary collections

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I am a new European author of a book divided into two volumes that will cost 18 euros each to purchase in a digital PDF format. Each volume's title is the same as above, and it focuses on global events, especially those occurring in the United States of America, a nation experiencing enormous unrest, and in Europe. I had intended to write only one book, but I was carried away and had to split it into two.

I communicate my ideas and the realities of what is actually occurring in the world around us in a way that is politically incorrect, as I am not the type of person who likes walking on eggshells unless I deem it necessary. Political correctness is something I vehemently oppose in every sense of the word. Political correctness should only be used in the context of international relations within the political and corporate worlds.

To fully express our freedoms, political correctness should be removed from all public discourse. It is possible to conduct debates without violating decorum through the use of political incorrectness. Political correctness gone mad hinders communication by limiting what we may say, think, write, and do. The rise of political correctness gone mad has a very Orwellian feel to it.

I know that political correctness, in small doses, aims to foster balance in how we communicate with one another, but sadly, this goal has been perverted and exploited to the point of madness and to shield those who find offence in just about everything.

I was inspired to publish my own opinions and the truths—which left-wing politics likes to refer to as conspiracy theories since they concern them and their transgressions—by what is occurring around the globe, particularly in the United States. My two books are not for anyone who is easily offended, insulted, or micro aggressed.

Your comments, no matter how bizarre or sane they may seem, are always welcome, without any guarantee that I will agree with them. Your feelings regarding the topics I am covering in my books are of very little concern to me. If you are a snowflake who is triggered easily by other people´s opinions and the truth, I suggest that you do not read my works, but it is ultimately up to you to make that choice since they are extremely alluring—even to people who practise political correctness to the hilt.


Number of pages 268
Edition 1 (2023)
Language English

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