"Bloody Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie" plunges readers into a noir universe where the boundary between light and darkness dissolves into a sinister dance of mystery and chaos. In this intense narrative, the protagonists, Joe and Hartman, are complex characters immersed in a cat-and-mouse game, where obscure motivations and dark choices shape the fate of a city on the brink of the abyss.
At the heart of the plot is the serial killer Joe, better known as Bloody Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie, whose actions are shaped by the darkness that inhabits his soul. He faces the determined detective Hartman, committed to putting an end to the carnage that plagues the city. As shadows stretch over each page, the reader is led through dark alleys and desolate waterfronts, witnessing epic confrontations and psychological duels that transcend moral boundaries.
ISBN | 9798877680074 |
Number of pages | 130 |
Edition | 1 (2024) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Binding | Paperback w/ flaps |
Colour | Black & white |
Paper type | Uncoated offset 75g |
Language | English |
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