In the dark underbelly of a crumbling republic, a powerful vampire family kidnaps the daughter of a high-ranking government official, spiriting her away to their secluded retreat in the icy, remote mountain ranges west of the capital. For centuries, this ancient vampire clan has lived in the shadows, their quiet existence threatened only by an old, bitter rivalry with a ferocious werewolf clan. But when betrayal strikes from within their own ranks, the fragile peace shatters, igniting a deadly game of power, vengeance, and blood.
As the republic’s security forces scramble to respond, a world-weary bounty hunter and his ragtag crew take on the perilous mission to rescue the kidnapped girl. With the weight of their own dark pasts bearing down on them, they must navigate treacherous terrain, battle supernatural forces, and outwit both vampire and werewolf alike. In a land where loyalty is a dangerous game and betrayal comes with sharp fangs, survival depends on more than just courage—it requires a willingness to become the very monsters they hunt.
ISBN | 9798346290018 |
Number of pages | 277 |
Edition | 1 (2024) |
Format | A4 (210x297) |
Binding | Paperback without flaps |
Colour | Black & white |
Paper type | Cream |
Language | English |
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