How to code for Quantum Computers


Book Code: 733303


Computational simulation, Data processing, Engineering, Electronic & computerized, Computers and technology, Computers, Technology & engineering, Mathematics

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As quantum computing rapidly evolves, professionals and tech enthusiasts are seeking ways to stay ahead of the curve. Traditional programming knowledge isn’t enough, and understanding quantum computing concepts is becoming essential for future tech leaders.

However, many find learning quantum computing intimidating due to its complexity, lack of clear resources, and steep learning curve. Existing materials are either too theoretical or overly technical, making it difficult to get started.

Without the right guide, aspiring developers risk falling behind in a field that will soon revolutionize industries. Missing out on understanding quantum programming could mean losing competitive advantage in tech-driven careers.

How to code for Quantum Computers offers a clear, step-by-step approach, breaking down complex concepts into manageable, practical examples. With Cirq code examples and hands-on projects, this book empowers readers to master quantum programming, opening doors to cutting-edge opportunities and career advancements, it do this using three classic algorithms, Deutsch–Jozsa, Grover, and Shor as a foundation for study, along with the famous quantum teleportation protocol, taking care of starting from basic concepts such as qubits and gates and circuit.

The complete source codes for sample programs using Cirq from Google Research and Python on Jupyter Notebook are available in a public Bitbucket repository.


ISBN 9786501172408
Number of pages 235
Edition 1 (2024)
Format A5 (148x210)
Binding Paperback w/ flaps
Colour Colour
Paper type Coated Silk 150g
Language English

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Quem sou

Brasileiro, sonhador, formado em Engenharia Elétrica pela USP - EESC

Tecnicamente apaixonado por Física, e na área da Informática apaixonado por I.A e Quantum Computing

Interesses recentes teoria do CAOS e Teoria da Informação.

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