Expansive design

Designing with contradictions

By Frederick van Amstel

Book Code: 202422


Architecture, Technology & engineering, Design & writing, Engineering

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Tese de doutorado em design defendida na Universidade de Twente (Holanda). Resumo em inglês: This thesis looks at the practice of design as it emerges in architectural design and service design. The lens adopted considers design both as an activity as well as a space full of contradictions, which are accumulated tensions. Design activity is a professional occupation that interacts with other activities, whereas design space is a range of possibilities considered for a project. The contradictions in both sides are separately identified and then rejoined to follow the transitions from one side to another. When pursuing this dialectic, this research has found two ways in which design reproduces contradictions in society. The first, reductive design, aims to reduce contradictions by partitioning the design space into small manageable parts. The second, expansive design, aims to expand contradictions by increasing awareness for the possibilities in the design space. The former ignores, hides, or removes contradictions from the design space and the later uncovers, highlights, or takes advantage of contradictions in the design space. The combination of reductive design and expansive design leads to uneven development. This understanding of design comes from three short-term empirical studies of architectural design and service design projects, which were complemented with two experiments undertaken with design students. The empirical studies show evidence that expansive design may emerge from playing design games; however, this also depends on the willingness of participants to deal with contradictions in an inclusive way. The main contribution of this thesis is highlighting and developing further the concept of expansive design, which implies dealing with contradictions in an inclusive way.


Number of pages 224
Edition 2 (2015)
Format A5 (148x210)
Binding Paperback w/ flaps
Colour Black & white
Paper type Uncoated offset 75g
Language Portuguese

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Contact the author

Frederick van Amstel

Frederick van Amstel é professor da PUCPR e doutor em design pela Universidade de Twente (Holanda). Em seu tempo livre, publica em diversos meios de comunicação com o objetivo de humanizar o uso da tecnologia.

Usabilidoido: usabilidoido.com.br

Usabilidoido: usabilidoido.com.br

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