In a future on the brink of a technological awakening, two unlikely individuals, Elias Moreau, a brilliant scientist, and Sera Darrow, a psychic artist, find themselves confronted with the fragments of a long-extinct alien civilization. As they uncover ancient artifacts and cryptic messages, they unearth a powerful legacy that could redefine Earth's fate—or destroy it entirely.
While Sera is consumed by visions of the alien race, Elias struggles to understand the immense power they've discovered. The secret held by the extraterrestrial civilization is not just advanced technology, but a warning: limitless knowledge carries a deadly responsibility. Now, a powerful corporation, LuminaCorp, is determined to control this power to shape a new future, unaware of the devastating consequences their pursuit might bring.
With the future of humanity weighing heavily on their shoulders, Elias and Sera must make impossible choices. In a race against time and forces seeking to exploit the fragments for their own gain, they face the ultimate dilemma: unlock the alien power and forever alter the course of history, or protect Earth by silencing the secrets, risking a catastrophic fate.
Eidolon: The Forgotten Fragments is a story of choices, power, and the impact of human decisions when confronted with an alien legacy that challenges the boundaries of ethics, knowledge, and survival.
Number of pages | 0 |
Edition | 1 (2024) |
Language | English |
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