"Chris the Robot" is an engaging story that follows the journey of a robot named Chris, who is on a mission to find his creator. Along this exciting path, Chris teams up with his courageous friend Rachel. Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges, where their main goal is to eliminate the threat posed by the evil Cybergers.
As Chris and Rachel travel through different environments, they encounter various obstacles that test their skills and determination. Chris, with his advanced programming and mechanical abilities, uses his strengths to tackle technical challenges. Rachel, on the other hand, brings her creativity and quick thinking into play, making her an invaluable partner in their quest. Their teamwork shines as they combine their talents to face the dangers that lie ahead, turning obstacles into opportunities to grow.
Number of pages | 64 |
Edition | 1 (2024) |
Format | A4 (210x297) |
Binding | Paperback without flaps |
Colour | Black & white |
Paper type | Uncoated offset 90g |
Language | English |
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