Reaching Skaters and other urban tribes    By Marcelo Caldas
The Bible speaks of a people who were greatly rejected: the Samaritans. In both the Old and New Testaments the reference to the Samaritans was always marginalized. Jesus emphasized forgiveness and ...
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Restoring the apostolic Sound Doctrine    By ZÉLIO CABRAL
Adherents of the Pre-trib claim that God will not allow the Church suffers in the period known as the "Great Tribulation. But does God's Word really teaches that there will be a secret rapture seve...
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A treatise of the redemption and reconciliation that is in the blood of Christ    By John Owen
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ is a polemical work, designed to show, among other things, that the doctrine of universal redemption is unscriptural and destructive of the gospel. Those w...
Print version AU$ 20.75 | EBook Version AU$ 3.24
Volume 1    By John Owen
Works Of John Owen
Print version AU$ 52.72
Objective Authority for Living    By Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM, PhD
For some time Dr. Pickering has felt that among the many hundreds of Greek manuscripts known to exist today, surely God would have preserved the original wording. After years of searching and compa...
Print version AU$ 101.76 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
if there is one, is it the last frontier to be crossed by homosexual to find their complete access to every sphere of society?    By Luis Alexandre Ribeiro Branco
When we think about postmodernism we have to consider its implication in every aspect of society and none would doubt that homosexuality is one of these major implication especially for the contemp...
Print version AU$ 12.58
This book is the best revelation of our century: "A demon can be killed!" If it's so, why does nobody discuss it? Because all religions are under the devil's subliminal control and have an implici...
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This book was written in 1990, which served as a study book for new converts in an evangelical church. Then, between 1994 and 1998, I wrote about 30 books in which I taught theology. I don't claim ...
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A PhD dissertation in Linguistics dealing with the nature of language, how it works, how we create a discourse, and how others interprete it. The five 'macrosystems' derive from five 'limitations' ...
EBook Version AU$ 9.06
The seven annual Feasts of the people of Israel were: Passover, Bread Asmos, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles (Leviticus 23). There is a huge need for the Church of Chri...
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an analogy    By Décio Martins de Medeiros
To understand Divinity, we can use an analogy with electricity. Both are invisible, but we can feel their effects. For the Christian: *The Divine Father is the source of gifts. *The Divine...
Print version AU$ 34.32 | EBook Version AU$ 13.42
These essays deal with Christian discipleship and transcultural mission, as well as biblical spiritual warfare. There is also a detailed chronology of the life of Christ that takes account of every...
EBook Version AU$ 9.06
He stared at her intensely and noted that her hair was flowing like if she had taken a short breath in her face, very much like a sneeze, but she hadn't. She looked around and saw lots of white do...
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Princípios de Teosofia    By Edmar Oliveira
Esta obra visa apresentar ao buscador um roteiro de estudos sobre o Pensamento Teosófico, buscando trabalhar os trrês pilarres da Filosofia Esotérica: estudo, meditação e altruísmo.
Print version AU$ 22.12 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
teologie en Christelike lewe    By Skrifgeleerde van Christus,
Hierdie boek is in 1990 geskryf, wat gedien het as 'n studieboek vir nuwe bekeerlinge in 'n evangeliese kerk. Toe het ek tussen 1994 en 1998 sowat 30 boeke geskryf waarin ek teologie onderrig het....
Print version AU$ 16.50 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
Discipleship, Missions, Spiritual Warfare    By Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM, PhD
These essays deal with Christian discipleship and transcultural mission, as well as biblical spiritual warfare. There is also a detailed chronology of the life of Christ that takes account of every...
Print version AU$ 165.69 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Let There Be Light    By Celson Barbosa Aguiar
This book is the first volume of the collection, in it you will find everything from the beginning of the universe, through the emergence of humanity, to the great religious questions, such as prim...
Print version AU$ 31.93 | EBook Version AU$ 6.12
The purpose of this little book is to show everyone, believers and non-believers, just the truth, that is what God's Word really teaches. The author raises 100 questions on the issue of the Rapture...
Print version AU$ 18.06 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
Objective Authority for Living    By Dr. Wilbur Pickering, ThM, PhD
Both the translation and the notes are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM, PhD, being based on his edition of the Greek New Testament, ac­cord­ing to the only significant line of transm...
EBook Version AU$ 9.06
There are over 5,000 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, over half of which are continuous text copies, the rest being lectionaries. They range in size from a scrap with parts of two vers...
EBook Version AU$ 9.06
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