Is Where I Am    By Zen Monk Meiho Gensho
Petrúcio Chalegre, renowned consultant to companies, knows very well the eye of the ordinary man, having actively participated, for decades, in the business world, with all of its passions and ambi...
Print version AU$ 20.73 | EBook Version AU$ 5.86
and other infamous metaphors    By Marlon Martins & Wesley Santos
The appendix is an organ that has been useful to us, but it is no longer useful. It, however, still remains in us, if it ignites, we can die because of it. The appendix is an irony of life saying, ...
Print version AU$ 15.28 | EBook Version AU$ 3.24
Este livro trata do nosso cosmo físico, mas de uma perspectiva filosófica. Neste sentido, consideramos o cosmo físico do ponto de vista da metafísica.
Print version AU$ 73.30 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Este livro trata da questão da evolução humana, da perspectiva espiritual e filosófica.
Print version AU$ 59.68 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Trata-se de mais um Monitor(Manual) referente ao Sistema Maçônico Norte-Americano
Print version AU$ 46.84 | EBook Version AU$ 10.51
Questions about the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The influence of the American/NATO world is truly imperialistic and deserves to be treated as such. It's economy has always been focused o...
Print version AU$ 1,080.42 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
In the twilight of an era, when the sky was a painting of fiery hues and the earth lay like a green carpet beneath feet, humanity was about to face its own extinction. A short story by Celio Az...
Print version AU$ 11.91 | EBook Version AU$ 5.83
Revised, Annotated, and Cursed (and with 66 adapted rituals)    By Lírio Baldo
The book "The Modern Satanic Bible" by Lírio Baldo is a work that aims to explore and revisit Satanism from a contemporary perspective, offering a detailed and commented interpretation of important...
Print version AU$ 40.02 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
if there is one, is it the last frontier to be crossed by homosexual to find their complete access to every sphere of society?    By Luis Alexandre Ribeiro Branco
When we think about postmodernism we have to consider its implication in every aspect of society and none would doubt that homosexuality is one of these major implication especially for the contemp...
Print version AU$ 12.58
(English Version)    By Marco Paulo Silva
... What appeared to be a mere bicycle ride, with a picnic at the mountain viewpoint, has become an unveiling of mysteries surrounding the human, immanence and transcendence. Irus, became the cho...
Print version AU$ 19.86 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Poetic considerations for a world in chaos    By Célio Azevedo & Desy Hambarliyska
Philosophic Poems - Poetic considerations for a world in chaos is a book by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian) and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide on how to live in a world control...
Print version AU$ 18.09 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
"MEP: There Is no Love" is a book by Célio Azevedo (lusobrazilian) and Desy Hambarliyska (bulgarian). It is a poetic manual on how to live in a world controlled by the philosophy of chaos.
Print version AU$ 17.67 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
Este livro trata da felicidade. A felicidade implica no grau de evolução espiritual da alma humana. Neste sentido, a felicidade é de ordem puramente espiritual e não implica em nada material ou fís...
Print version AU$ 158.79 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Este livro trata do amor como fenômeno próprio da alma humana. Nele diferenciamos o conceito de amor da ideia de paixão. O amor é um bem querer por outra pessoa, enquanto a paixão é um desejo da or...
Print version AU$ 112.98 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Opera    By Hildegard von Bingen
A 12th-century opera, Ordo Virtutum was originally written in plainchant. This edition features the complete score transcribed in modern notation with bilingual text (Latin and English), as well as...
Print version AU$ 251.72 | EBook Version AU$ 81.74
Princípios de Teosofia    By Edmar Oliveira
Esta obra visa apresentar ao buscador um roteiro de estudos sobre o Pensamento Teosófico, buscando trabalhar os trrês pilarres da Filosofia Esotérica: estudo, meditação e altruísmo.
Print version AU$ 22.12 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
Welcome to "Brief Brilliance: Unlocking Knowledge – Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, a concise study guide designed to illuminate the key insights and teachings of this timeless philosophical work....
EBook Version AU$ 7.41
Journalistic Chronicles    By Cláudio Cezar Freitas Silva
This work is the compilation of a series of chronicles published in newspapers, blogs, digital and print media, which translates the line of thought of the author, on various topics of social and...
EBook Version AU$ 15.45
Science beyond physics    By Alder D'Pass
Este livro trata do fenômenos metafísicos espirituais, e propõe a constituição de uma ciência do espírito, a ciência Psicósmica - a Psicosmologia. Neste livro tratamos da existência da alma encarna...
Print version AU$ 140.76 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
Este livro trata da tríade universal: Deus, espirito, universo. Estas são três questões fundamentais da filosofia.
Print version AU$ 196.25 | EBook Version AU$ 6.15
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