There is no doubt that life is a short journey with encounters and disagreements, which are valued by its actors, in their time, and at the end of all time. Bragof finds itself in this world of que...
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The life of a young lady with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)    By Camilla Gallas
About the book: This book is a deep true narrative about a young lady who was diagnosed with severe OCD when she was only 14 years old. The author reveals each detail of her battle facing intrusiv...
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Volume II    By João Calazans Filho
Sometimes, we find beauty in complex things. We crave explanations, seek to organize the world, long for harmony, and yearn for the ideal world. No, definitely, this is not the world of the write...
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Colegio Helyos    By Grade 9 - 2024
Dear reader, we invite you to read our collection, a testament to the talent and dedication of our young writers. We hope you find joy and inspiration in their stories. Enjoy!
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A Magical Journey to the Land of Numbers    By Socialuser
Sophie, an inquisitive 10-year-old girl who struggles with math, stumbles upon an enchanted book in her school library. The book introduces her to the Math Magician, a quirky and friendly wizard wh...
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The denial of one existence leads to the denial of existence itself. Everything is but one existence. The fear of wanting to see with deeper eyes what the mind reveals to us shows how vulnerable we...
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In his fourth book, The Alley, the author João Calazans Filho tells a humorous story, flavored with local habits. It’s about a serial killer from the South of Bahia, Brazil, and of the bohemian, pl...
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