A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Silesian Wars were three conflicts fought in the mid-18th century between Prussia (under King Frederick "the Great") and Habsburg Austria (under Archduchess Maria Theresa) for control of the Si...
Print version AU$ 12.25 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Seven Years' War (1756–1763) was a global conflict between Great Britain and France for global power. Britain, France and Spain fought both in Europe and overseas with armies and fleets, while ...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Saratoga Campaign of 1777 was an attempt by the British High Command for North America to gain military control of the strategically important Hudson River Valley during the American Revolution...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In World War II, although the United States had an unusually long supply line, leaving it vulnerable to submarine attack, Japan used its submarines primarily for long-range reconnaissance and only ...
Print version AU$ 11.71 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
As a result of the earlier changes, the Royal Navy entered the Second World War as a disparate force of veterans of the First World War, interwar vessels limited by strict adherence to treaty restr...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Within hours of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt promulgated a new doctrine: unrestricted submarine warfare against Japan. This meant sinking any warship, merchant ship, or passenger ship in A...
Print version AU$ 12.00 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The War of the Spanish Succession, fought from July 1701 to September 1714, and triggered by the November 1700 death of Charles II of Spain, was a conflict for control of the Spanish Empire between...
Print version AU$ 11.84 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The War of the Spanish Succession, fought from July 1701 to September 1714, and triggered by the November 1700 death of Charles II of Spain, was a conflict for control of the Spanish Empire between...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
From monoriginal to transoriginality    By LadyDaniel
A Bible for the Deaf: that was, at least, the initial proposal. Driven by deep questions, the author presents a unique, creative, and provocative reinterpretation of the Book of Genesis. The work s...
Print version AU$ 21.42 | EBook Version AU$ 9.64
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Battle of Dien Bien Phu, in the Indochina War, took place between French Union troops and Viet Minh forces between March 13 and May 7, 1954. Originally, Dien Bien Phu was to be a base for mobil...
Print version AU$ 12.46 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
if there is one, is it the last frontier to be crossed by homosexual to find their complete access to every sphere of society?    By Luis Alexandre Ribeiro Branco
When we think about postmodernism we have to consider its implication in every aspect of society and none would doubt that homosexuality is one of these major implication especially for the contemp...
Print version AU$ 12.58
Planet of flowers The stranger in Forex The famous Tavern Luz de Miel    By luz de miel
The stranger in Forex. Strange thing is being looked at as a foreigner even in the homeland. The famous Tavern. Dedicated to all the women. ♦Selva Belfior, nicknamedSelvabelorSelvabê...
Print version AU$ 34.94 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
An Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation the Egyptian tactical maneuver will have three phases, the first being the establishment of divisive defensive devices; the second is the erosion and, if possible, the destruction...
Print version AU$ 11.60 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A German Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The scenario of the wargame that will be used will reinforce four key factors for the campaign's success, and if the original Schlieffen Plan had been maintained, they would certainly have been tho...
Print version AU$ 15.25 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Historical Simulation of the Central Powers    By André Geraque Kiffer
Considering the principal historical assumption that the Central Alliance had better military leadership capable of innovating (technology) and maneuvering (flexible planning), based primarily on t...
Print version AU$ 20.04 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
It will be simulated, based on the summary and analysis of the historical fact, which are the main factors of the strategy adopted by the Peloponnese League (Sparta), concluding by outlining a new ...
Print version AU$ 17.01 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
An Argive Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation it will be considered the hypothesis of what might have been the final tactical result if the Argive left wing had been reinforced by exploring a technique similar to the oblique ...
Print version AU$ 10.94 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Carthaginian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Let us consider, to make the next simulation possible, that the political power of Carthage (the suffetes and the families descended from kings) would have understood the risk of living in the shad...
Print version AU$ 14.85 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The simulation will cover more than a thousand years (410 to 1453 AD) of the history of the island of Great Britain, from the end of the Roman province - that is, the end of the Old Age in the area...
Print version AU$ 12.17 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Roman Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Tactics should have sought to guard against the surprises of the Carthaginian device. Initially, leaving aside the pride of the Equites citizens, the cavalry would have been balanced on both flanks...
Print version AU$ 10.92 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
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