Desenvolvido com palavras fáceis de pronunciar e usadas no dia a dia da criança, trazendo os seguintes temas: -Greetings -Alphabet -Numbers -Colors -Parts of the body -Seasons -Days of...
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The book is a collection of puns based on pictures. Pun, also known as paronomasia, is a humorous play on words. These wordplays are mostly based on unusual names of towns. E.G.: Dollar is a Scotti...
Print version AU$ 37.58 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Versão impressa    By Raul Augusto Filho
ESTUDAR INGLÊS AGORA ESTÁ EM SUAS MÃOS! HIKE UP - (Agora com a versão impressa) A solução para quem quer estudar inglês sem mestre. Uma nova ferramenta para o estudo de Inglês para seu smartpho...
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Print version AU$ 30.68 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
For a long time as a teacher, I came across students' difficulties in the architecture of preparing mathematical questions. In view of this, I decided to investigate the negotiations of thisEntre...
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The definition of intellectual disability has undergone modifications over time, such as, for example, changing the term. In 2010, the 11th edition of the manual “Intellectual Disability: Definitio...
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This book draws its inspiration from the song "Little Prince," thoughtfully penned and produced by Pedro Xavier. The song's narrative unfolds like a heartfelt conversation between an older individu...
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Um livro cheio de dicas! Aumente o seu vocabulário!    By Ricardo Esteves
Um livro muito completo com 1000 palavras, frases, expressões, divididas em categorias: advérbios, verbos, substantivos, adjetivos, phrasal verbs, e muito mais. Aumente o seu vocabulário de uma for...
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One Language, Countless Opportunities    By Jimmy L. de Mello
Welcome to "Python Mastery: From Basics to Advanced Applications," a transformative course designed to guide you through the exciting world of Python programming. Whether you're a beginner eager to...
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An Incredible Work of Literary Art, in the form of a comic, portraying the Childhood, Life and Teachings of Jesus, with unpublished speeches about the Faith, Love and Compassion of Jesus of Nazaret...
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Make the Things Happened    By Pedro Almeida
In this innovative book, we have compiled the transformative teachings from three of the most influential works in the field of personal and financial development: "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. ...
EBook Version AU$ 5.49
How To Host A Seminar And Keep Huge Profit    By Davi Claúdio
Hosting live seminars can be a highly profitable venture when done right. Live Seminar Riches: How To Host A Seminar And Keep Huge Profits is your ultimate guide to planning, executing, and maximiz...
EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Coloring book with numbers    By Adrian C. Perez
Este es otro de mis libros de colorear en este caso son dragones con los que nuestros peques disfrutaran pintando y además con una sección nueva de 15 paginas para que aprendan a contar los dragon...
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100+ INSIGHTS for You to Become a Super Human in the Digital Age    By Jonathan Peixoto
Everyday life is made up of habits, and they are what define who you will be in one, five or ten years. Also called on social media by Jony Peixoto - @jonypeixoto whose name is Jonathan P. Peixoto....
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Long ago, the mid-seventies, because of an architectural design, was built at the foot of the hill, humble suburb of the small town of Palhoça, a school with standard first world. In the...
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How to Manipulate and Close Boundless Deals    By E H Machado
Have you ever wondered what really happens behind the most aggressive negotiations? What are the dirty secrets elite salespeople use to win clients and close deals? This book will take you to a pla...
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Modern Lives    By Rosa Maria Ruegger
O que você diria dessa vida moderna? Quais expectativas foram criadas/ Vamos acolher muitos adolescentes e jovens adultos que nos contam suas histórias. Um livro de amor e paixão de ilusão e desi...
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Step by Step    By Elza Lima
Este livro contêm trinta e seis exercícios sendo que do nível Intermediário com uma linguagem de fácil compreensão e dinâmica. Curso Intermediário completo, onde o aluno aprende passo a passo. ...
Print version AU$ 47.21 | EBook Version AU$ 17.22
A bilingual journey    By Alessandra Bevilaqua
Mastermind Child é um livro pedagógico bilíngue que transforma o aprendizado em uma experiência mágica para crianças de 4 a 6 anos. Com atividades dinâmicas e envolventes este livro foi desenvolvid...
Print version AU$ 120.22
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