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Print version AU$ 22.70 | EBook Version AU$ 11.64
This is a book from the psychography of Francisco C. Xavier, with messages from diverse spirits that came from the After Life, to tell about their experiences and the knowledge they have acquired,...
EBook Version AU$ 4.12
For kids    By Núbia Andréa da Costa Silva
This is the book of Genesis in full version, with all chapters and verses, as it is important for the child to know the Word of God as fully as possible. The use of two versions: t...
Print version AU$ 69.04 | EBook Version AU$ 7.61
Mediumistic Book    By Francisco C. Xavier - Emmanuel (Spirit)
This is a book that invites the reader to know that, no matter how they try and ask the Divine Providence for their objectives, if they don't do their part, that means, cooperate by following the ...
EBook Version AU$ 4.12
Get ready for an exciting and inspiring adventure with the eBook "Ruth's Incredible Journey: A Story for Children". This is the story of a brave woman named Ruth, told in an engaging and captivatin...
EBook Version AU$ 7.40
From the Gospel According to Spiritism    By Cairbar Schutel
The collection of prayers in this booklet results from a choice made among various prayers dictated to us by the Spirits in different circumstances. They could have dictated others, in other ter...
EBook Version AU$ 4.12
Mediumistic Book    By "Francisco C. Xavier"; "Irmão X"
This book is one of the best of the translated ones, for it has a warning character for all those who find themselves in the experience of material life. Irmão X provides a shrewd way of describing...
EBook Version AU$ 4.12
Mediumistic Book    By "Francisco C. Xavier"; "Emmanuel"
Peace of mind. This book fights anxiety, depression, stress and anguish. It teaches us a new way to live with our neighbor, aiming at self-improvement, according to the Master's Teachings, which a...
EBook Version AU$ 3.24
"The Millionaire Race: Mindset of Achievement" is a transformative guide that unveils the secrets to a success-driven mindset. Drawing from his unique leadership experience, Igor Augusto offers pra...
Print version AU$ 45.66 | EBook Version AU$ 9.06
Activities    By Núbia Silva
Esta é a revista de atividades do livro de Gênesis, com as principais histórias para colorir. Os versículos estão em inglês e os comandos das atividades em português para que a criança tenha contat...
Print version AU$ 22.17 | EBook Version AU$ 4.70
Mediumistic Book    By Francisco C. Xavier - Emmanuel
Unrest on Earth. Times of transition. Difficulties of understanding. Impacts of progress. Generational conflicts. These are the reasons given by many friends for us to send them a few p...
EBook Version AU$ 4.12
This is a message of love and peace of the grand Spirit Bezerra de Menezes.
EBook Version AU$ 3.83