The parables that talk about the backslidden!    By André Luiz
In this book tells the importance of persevering, in Christ Jesus until the end.
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Preface In the charming streets of Paris, a story of love and music flourishes, bringing with it the magic of fate and the beauty of unexpected connections. In this novel, we enter the universe ...
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The book is a collection of puns based on pictures. Pun, also known as paronomasia, is a humorous play on words. These wordplays are mostly based on unusual names of towns. E.G.: Sisters is an Ore...
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The Time Tunnel    By Irwin Allen
In 1815, during the conflict between the Americans and English during the Napoleonic Wars, scientists become prisoners and sentenced to death, but receive help from the Time Tunnel that sends to th...
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What if we're getting lost in our thoughts? Maybe we're just fragments of souls.
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The Time Tunnel    By Irwin Allen
Tony and Doug arrive on the island of Krakatoa the day of its eruption in August 1883 just in time to stop the sacrifice of a young Indonesian by his companions, who are there to serve as guides to...
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Get ready for an exciting and inspiring adventure with the eBook "Ruth's Incredible Journey: A Story for Children". This is the story of a brave woman named Ruth, told in an engaging and captivatin...
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"Identifying and Supporting Children with Autism: A Guide for Mothers": Expert Knowledge: This eBook offers a wealth of up-to-date knowledge-based information about autism, providing mothers wit...
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"Night and Day" is a novel written by Virginia Woolf and first published in 1919. This novel represents an earlier stage in Woolf's writing career and is more traditional in terms of its narrative ...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The English Civil Wars, between 1642 and 1651, were a series of political machinations between parliamentarians - the round heads - and royalists - the gentlemen -, mainly over the form of governan...
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Neste livro, Emily Santos, de apenas 11 anos, mostra um pouco de seu enorme talento literário, oferecendo 10 histórias em inglês que ela escreveu durante seu curso avançado de inglês.
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Atsu Col threatens the world of Hidros. His army is the biggest ever. Sergeant Jord and young Sapphira join the One Who's All, Pandino the Emperor, on a journey to gather allies. Unwantedly united ...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Battle of Algiers was an urban guerrilla campaign fought by the FLN (Front for the National Liberation of Algeria) against French colonial authorities in Algeria from late 1956 to late 1957, in...
Print version AU$ 11.82 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Hundred Poes    By The Poet of Omaezaki
The Poet from Omaezaki A prime poetry of me... ln the primordial wave l saw infinities waves that made particles and photons that made atoms that made perfect molecules, bodies, planets, st...
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Undo the emotional lumps that block your life    By Fernanda Scheffer
The Emotional Surgery technique aims to eliminate low-vibration feelings, such as fear, guilt, hatred, sadness, anger, etc. It is an advanced multidimensional healing method specifically for people...
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Many people wonder why they should kill themselves or give up on life. Why is it easier to be secluded than to live in a society? Why did those people who seemed so happy take their own lives? Why ...
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Raising your beef, the right way and getting more meat in less time is the desire of every rancher. Thus, we know that beef animals are bovine breeds that have genetic characteristics suitable for ...
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Avançado completo    By Elza Lima
Livro didático de Inglês, nível avançado. De fácil compreensão, passo a passo o aluno aprende. Este é o terceiro de três livros, sendo que o primeiro é Básico e o segundo Intermediário.
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The Elixir of Long Life has always been an insatiable pursuit of ancient alchemists. A liquid capable of curing all diseases and prolonging life. Something that catches the attention of even the mo...
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A simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
A simulation, through a war game, of what would have been a military confrontation between the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and those of the Union of Soviet Socialist Rep...
Print version AU$ 13.17 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
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