A Catholic Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Since the Persian Empire reinstated a Jewish state in Palestine - after its Diaspora by the Assyrians and Babylonians - through the Empire of Alexander and successors to the Roman Empire, there has...
Print version AU$ 26.59 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
Memory, identity and culture of Minas Gerais    By Francisco Rodrigues Júnior
This work consists of eleven "stories" told by men between 40 and 70 years, from various cities of Minas Gerais, specifically northern Minas Gerais. These cases were recorded by the author accordin...
Print version AU$ 16.43 | EBook Version AU$ 4.08
Based on a summary of the historical fact I seek to highlight the decisive fact (s) causing the negative result (s) before playing the simulation through a board wargame - the actions on the “other...
Print version AU$ 15.08 | EBook Version AU$ 3.52
Tiрѕ in CrossFit Trаining    By Karllo Mell
"Nutrition for CrossFit Participants: Maximizing Your Performance and Results" is a comprehensive guide that offers practical, scientifically based guidance on how to optimize nutrition for CrossFi...
Print version AU$ 1,080.42 | EBook Version AU$ 11.35
Workbook    By Márcia Cristine Agustini
Curso de inglês completo com foco na conversação.
Print version AU$ 47.07
"A little about feeling, environment and market brazilian" Um pouco sobre sentimento, meio ambiente e mercado brasileiro". .
Print version AU$ 36.93 | EBook Version AU$ 9.11
Do you believe that love can last forever? What if in your worst moment in life the shine of the man, who would become your great love, reached you bringing you back to life? What if sometime ...
Print version AU$ 47.82
(English Version)    By Marco Paulo Silva
... What appeared to be a mere bicycle ride, with a picnic at the mountain viewpoint, has become an unveiling of mysteries surrounding the human, immanence and transcendence. Irus, became the cho...
Print version AU$ 37.04 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
It tells the story of a girl who dreams of being a ballerina, but her parents are unable to afford ballet lessons. However, an unexpected event of destiny, ends up being favorable for Sophia to re...
Print version AU$ 28.13 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
There probably was not in the whole church during the first decade of the fourth century, a more learned Christian than Eusebius of Caesarea. Phrases such as the one quoted at the beginning of this...
Print version AU$ 17.37 | EBook Version AU$ 4.36
This book was not written to combat alcoholism. But the lying preaching of Christian leaders who say that drinking wine, beer, or other alcoholic beverages is a sin. Nothing more liar. Only sick mi...
Print version AU$ 22.92 | EBook Version AU$ 4.36
The first oficial translation of “Armas e Lágrimas” bring us to the life of a young man who has to learn by the hardest way that the blood of his father shall be his heritage, if he wants to be the...
Print version AU$ 21.22 | EBook Version AU$ 3.38
What would a so-called scoundrel man be able to do, not only to bed several, but also to take a woman's virginity? What would a woman be able to do to conquer or get revenge on a man who supposedly...
Print version AU$ 24.33
Mumu is an adult cow who lives on a farm far away from the city, every day she wakes up very early, before sunrise she is already up, eager to go to the stable to withdraw her milk. Leaving t...
Print version AU$ 17.16 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel jeliEL    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the jeliEL angel, this angel influences those born on 03/21, 06/02, 08/14, 10/26 and 01/07 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
Print version AU$ 33.03
The dialogue between Literature and Geography    By Jamescley Almeida de Souza
The book is aimed at all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity between Topoana...
Print version AU$ 27.62
The present English textbook is in accordance with the theoretical development of Suggestopedic teaching and its newest development, Desuggestopedia The book reflects the theory of Suggestopedia...
Print version AU$ 156.27 | EBook Version AU$ 11.63
New Edition    By Paulo Sergio Santos Negrete
Welcome to Suggestopedia and the New developments of Neuroscience This wonderful method, which has its origins in the science of Suggestology, accelerates the learning process up to 10 times m...
Print version AU$ 160.67 | EBook Version AU$ 11.63
What if you find out that vampires are for real? Not the ones with large canines or afraid of crucifix, but those that really live among us: the "psychic vampires", also called as "psyvamps", which...
Print version AU$ 44.25
The Keeper of the Seedy Basement    By Elizabeth Neves
It is a very funny story, about unlikely friends, where the super roach saw his basement invaded by other pets, which in the course of the story will become the "moldy basement detectives".
Print version AU$ 36.65 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
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