The Learning Revolution    By Jimmy L. Mello
The Mello Method has been developed and tested for over 20 years and is now being used in schools worldwide. You too can benefit and build your own business. The Mello Method Organization is curren...
Print version AU$ 175.21
into English Poems    By Júlio B.
I will build my dreams, I will fix them with pins, I will draw their skins, I will construct their themes, but can you see what it means? I'm not so hopeless as it seems, i'm more selfish than I sh...
Print version AU$ 12.85 | EBook Version AU$ 3.36
Gods of Shadows... Shadow Moon and Waltmoore... Two kingdoms inhabited by powerful creatures of the shadows... Two clans of vampires, enemies for centuries... Prepare to enter a fantasy wo...
Print version AU$ 29.47 | EBook Version AU$ 3.86
English    By Getulio Tamid
Expressões idiomáticas são essenciais para que o aluno de um idioma estrangeiro começa a ter fluência tal qual um nativo. Mas, isto é somente possível quando se quebra a barreira do chamado "Interm...
EBook Version AU$ 3.80
meditation - revitalization - rejuvenation    By Eneida Caetano
"21 Tibetan Rites - Exercises - Meditation - Revitalization - Rejuvenation" - The book teaches us how to do the 21 rites, the physiological and subtle benefits of each rite and how to choose your ...
Print version AU$ 22.04 | EBook Version AU$ 5.48
of the Tibetan Rites    By Rinchen Wangmo Eneida Caetano
THE COMPLETE SEQUENCE OF THE TIBETAN RITES consists of practices that harmonize the functioning of aging related glands which are considered the key to the fountain of youth. The author, therapis...
Print version AU$ 16.97
Este glossário procura reunir os principais “phrasal verbs” e “idioms”, além de outras expressões da Língua Inglesa falada nos Estados Unidos e suas respectivas traduções. A tradução procura as for...
Print version AU$ 22.31
"A new language to communicate easily"    By Marcelo Gomes Melo
Uma coletânea de textos poéticos em língua inglesa com tradução livre para o português que traz o intuito de conectar o leitor à subjetividade da poesia e à diversidade de significados que vão além...
Print version AU$ 20.88 | EBook Version AU$ 4.92
The poetry or lyric genre, is one of the seven traditional arts, for which human language is used for aesthetic purposes, that is, it portrays something where everything can happen depending on the...
Print version AU$ 1,080.42 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
The Ancient Chinese Art of Fighting, Healing, Living    By Master Cai Wen Yu
The training of LaoQiGong allows to identify, on a sensory level, the Qi - energetic wire which is common to all manifested life, binding factor that unifies the complex diversity of the world. It ...
Print version AU$ 316.08
Assessment of changes in consumer behavior due to technology advancements    By Luiz Valério de Paula Trindade
The main objective of the present study is to investigate and understand the possible relationship between technology advancements and changes in consumer behavior. The secondary objective is to ad...
Print version AU$ 19.74 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Violence and infrastructure in Brazil    By Érica Ferrer
This research will verify the existence of any relation between the homicide rate and the poor or insufficient social and urban infrastructure in peripheral neighborhoods in contrast with neighborh...
Print version AU$ 49.54 | EBook Version AU$ 3.24
A collection of short stories written by the pupils of St. Paul’s School    By Ani Sobral Torres (ed.)
This book was written by pupils of St. Pauls School inspired by children at TUCCA as part of the Service Learning Writing Competition. These short stories are about the young people who face an ...
Print version AU$ 12.71 | EBook Version AU$ 5.20
Life is too complicated and write this story is even more complicated; Facts and small parts; everything turns to confusion and feelings. Desires, dreams, challenges, people, animals, violence, ...
Print version AU$ 25.62 | EBook Version AU$ 3.24
Another Desires of Mary    By Vanderlei Francisco da Silva
Permissible Sins - Another Desires of May, tells the story of Simetrina, and her family, involved in their daily struggles and hardships, and always dealing with the consequences of all the family ...
Print version AU$ 17.44 | EBook Version AU$ 3.27
Reflect. Act. Transmute.    By Daniela G. Vianello
From the Inside Out, because that’s how life works. As said by Mahatma Gandhi: "Be the change you want to see in the world." Change starts within us, in our hearts. The internal movements create ou...
Print version AU$ 13.99 | EBook Version AU$ 4.35
emoções e seduções inevitáveis em nome do amor além do limite    By HEDILBERTO HELUSTONDO MAXIMILIANOR
poesia contemporânea
Print version AU$ 14.06 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
a collection of pseudo-classical poems with a touch of, say, hipster postmodernism
Print version AU$ 13.65 | EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Curso completo de inglês para Brasileiros Book 1    By John Goes
Um curso de inglês completo de dois livros, ideal para professores de inglês que querem se lançar no mercado de aulas particulares de inglês. É um curso passo a passo para .iniciantes até nível m...
Print version AU$ 19.62 | EBook Version AU$ 7.16
Book Two    By Simone Lore & Lud Mills
A new possibility for progress comes to Palmer House, and Andrew begins to put into action his plans for revenge. However, the Masters are closing in on the rebels, endangering the secrets of the H...
Print version AU$ 29.81
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