Love and Complicity    By Norma Trespach
A very subtle difference separates the property from the owner, when it comes to the relationship between human beings and their dogs. Or dogs and their human beings... Everything is a matter of pe...
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Tips and tricks    By Renaldo Ramos
have been following this title a lot, sometimes I had to go back to zero in my Aquaponics, but the main reason was not problems in Aquaponics but because of my profession. I am an Aquaponic lover, ...
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Cinco contos em inglês. Três são reais. Dois não são. Você consegue distingui-los? Five short stories in English. Three are real. Two are not. Can you tell them apart?
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Aprender um novo idioma é sempre um grande desafio; este livro apresenta 30 textos para a prática de leitura e vocabulário na língua inglesa. São textos independentes e de diversos temas; como inte...
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Language Reform: SEL: Language Balanced System    By Elias do Amaral Viana - Reacionário da Linguagem
Nietzsche: "There are no facts, only interpretations". "The main lie is the one we tell ourselves". That's what Nietzsche told himself! Jesus was and is a fact, he is risen! Nietzsche was an...
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe I - Vol 1    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
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Rants about feminine stereotypes and mainstream whataboutery.    By Andreia Nobre
Tired of explaining reality to fiercely obstinate men about why women need feminism, Journalist Andreia Nobre took the task to clarify some of the misconceptions widely spread about the radical fem...
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Exercises and Practices    By Rogerio Romero
Learning to Learn: Once Einstein, here in Brazil, was amazed to see his Brazilian friend with a notebook making several notes throughout the day and asked: - What do you write down in that no...
EBook Version AU$ 6.04
White nights by Fédor Dostoyevsky translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett in 1918, is a work in the public domain Editing and graphic design for ebook by Cigana Publicações, 2023 White...
EBook Version AU$ 6.04
Farm Management consists of planning, and controlling the operations carried out on the rural property. This administration provides a deeper knowledge of the activities carried out on the rural pr...
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The global population is expected to reach 10 billion people in the next 30 years. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, an additional 52 million tons of nitroge...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
It took place between February 24 and 27, 1991, with its main phase at Kuwait International Airport. However, much of the fighting actually took place on the airport access routes. Iraqi forces wer...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Also known as the Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack (rebuilt and renamed CSS Virginia) or the Battle of the Ironclads, it was the most important naval battle during the American Civil War, fo...
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Desenvolvido com palavras fáceis de pronunciar e usadas no dia a dia da criança, trazendo os seguintes temas: -Greetings -Alphabet -Numbers -Colors -Parts of the body -Seasons -Days of...
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A Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulations of the sea battles I will use the rules and tables of the board game "Flying Colors". Based on a summary of these battles, I try to analyze and highlight the decisive factors, be...
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On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965    By Elias do Amaral Viana - "O reacionário da língua"
Christianity is the greatest contribution to Cognition and Language. On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965 Elias do Amaral Viana “The Language Reactionary” Language is my metaphysic...
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The Saga of the Almeida Family in the Garden of Eden    By Valdeck Almeida de Jesus
Summary Valdeck Almeida de Jesus's Memorial do Inferno: A Saga da Família Almeida no Jardim do Éden, now thankfully translated into English, is a moving memoir of the author's youth, upbringing ...
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A family is taking a vacation trip, when the father decides to take a shortcut. The problem is that the shortcut leaves them without mobile phone signal, without Internet connection and, a while la...
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topoanalysis and geographicity    By Jamescley Almeida de Souza
This is a book of great interest for all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity...
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How to Contact the 72 kabbalistic Angels From God    By Frater Eisenheim
With the help of holy angels and heavenly spirits, you will be able to grow and develop your full potential. You will discover the purpose of living, even taking the beatings that life usually give...
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