"The Time Machine," authored by H.G. Wells, is a groundbreaking science fiction novel that takes readers on an extraordinary journey through time. First published in 1895, this iconic work introduc...
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Philosophic Poems - Poetic considerations for a world in chaos is a book by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian), Aline Franco (Italo-Brazilian) and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide o...
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By Luiz
Na encantadora cidade costeira de Havenbrook, Elias, um jovem misterioso com um toque de magia nos olhos, embarca numa viagem que altera para sempre o seu destino. Uma noite, atraído por uma fenda ...
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This is the second volume of the Marvels of God collection. I don't know precisely how many volumes I will publish since there are billions of wonders that God created. I have been talking about th...
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Introduction Although resin crafting may seem intimidating at first, it is a craft you will certainly fall in love with because of the endless possibilities it offers; there are so many things you...
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The life of a young lady with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)    By Camilla Gallas
About the book: This book is a deep true narrative about a young lady who was diagnosed with severe OCD when she was only 14 years old. The author reveals each detail of her battle facing intrusiv...
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World Of Lies    By Célio Azevedo Desy Hambarliyska
The Best Of Philosophic Poems - Part I (World of Lies) is a book by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian) and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide on how to live in a world controlled by t...
Print version AU$ 20.04 | EBook Version AU$ 4.64
Chaotic World    By Célio Azevedo Desy Hambarliyska
The Best Of Philosophic Poems - Part II (Chaotic World) is a final book from trilogy by Célio Azevedo (Luso-Brazilian), and Daysie Hambarliyska (Bulgarian). It's a poetic guide on how to live in a ...
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Celio Azevedo is a graduate journalist and philosopher, postgraduate professor and author, with MBA in Business Management from UCAM and MBA in Executive Marketing from UGF, registration number MTb...
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An English historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Bannockburn, on June 24, 1314, was a significant Scottish victory in Scotland's First War of Independence, and a milestone in its history. It took place in an area near Stirling Castle, occupied by...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A French historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
One of the battles of the Hundred Years War took place on Friday, October 25, 1415, between a French army and an invading English army retreating to Calais. It gained literary fame because of a pla...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A British historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The basis of British Naval Military Planning was to keep the waterways open to Britain and the Allies, but closed to Germany and the Central Powers. The military strategic objective of the Ottoman ...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
It took place between February 24 and 27, 1991, with its main phase at Kuwait International Airport. However, much of the fighting actually took place on the airport access routes. Iraqi forces wer...
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A Roman historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The battle of Adrianople in 378 AD was fought between a Roman army led by Emperor Flavius Valens and a Germanic army - mainly of Ostrogoths and Visigoths - led by Fritigern. It took place in Adrian...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Religion, which in principle could be a pacifying human activity, was marked in the Medieval Age by clashes between two of the greatest, both in their early days, Islam and Christianity. In strateg...
EBook Version AU$ 3.52
A Comprehensive Guide to Homemade Recipes for Dogs and Cats    By MAISA
Unlock the secret to your pet's health and happiness with the comprehensive guide to nutrition and wellness for dogs and cats. In this extensive eBook, you'll discover a carefully curated collectio...
EBook Version AU$ 8.27
In a world where traditional medical approaches often fall short, there arises a yearning for alternative paths to healing. It is within this landscape of exploration and innovation that the concep...
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Livro didatico de Inglês
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The book clearly addresses all forms of manipulation that the planetary government system, historically in the hands of a small elite, practices to maintain power. From ancient times with wars of d...
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