Covid19 The Day The Earth Stood Still ... !!!    By Elias do Amaral Viana
Covid19 The Day The Earth Stood Still ... !!! Since 2007, he already had a Scientific Article Alerting against Covid19. Joshua 10:13 and 14 The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and for ...
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Mr. Charles Lawyerman and Mrs. Agnes Lawyerman were simple people who lived in a small town in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. They lived quietly in a small neighborhood known as "Raia". It is ...
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(...) She teaches us this because we take too long to learn that the world, life and people are built this way: with falls, but with courage and discerning to move on with life, always seeking impr...
EBook Version AU$ 5.36
workbook    By Márcia Cristine Agustini
Curso de inglês dinâmico, rápido e divertido. Aprenda através da comunicação imediata, games e aulas invertidas - o aluno aprende a guiar seu próprio estudo.
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Dr. José Valdaí de Souza, a renowned professional in the medical area, defined well in the preface of Florence, Drama and Conquest all the importance that the renowned writer Norma Trespach here pr...
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topoanalysis and geographicity    By Jamescley Almeida de Souza
This is a book of great interest for all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity...
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My intention in writing this book is to show the reader how important our life is in this world. In the Bible it is written that everything was created and determined by God; we know we are here...
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Ideias de gestão e ciencia
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EBook Version AU$ 31.19
The illustrator Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including the great American painter Norman Rockwell and comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of figure drawing and cl...
EBook Version AU$ 87.08
The illustrator Andrew Loomis is revered amongst artists for his mastery of drawing technique and his clean, realist style. His hugely influential series of art instruction books have never been be...
EBook Version AU$ 45.16
Soil management for agricultural production is a fundamental step to obtain high yields. This step must be done correctly to enable positive increases in the physical, chemical and biological chara...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
During the French and Napoleonic Revolutionary Wars the British Royal Navy established its reputation as one of the most effective fighting institutions in history. The Navy not only played a key r...
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The book presents the life story of a cat living in a big city, who after being adopted by a little old lady named Mirou, was given the name Milu. Milu is a very playful cat, and what he wanted mo...
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fer    By fer
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Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of drawing. His first book, Fun With a Pencil, published in 1939 is a wonderfully craft...
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In the world of Cannins, a magical fish-shaped crystal is found in the mystical lake of mirrors. This powerful pendant establishes the enmity between Kenbell, a poor and black boy, who lives in a v...
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Horror short story    By E. Neri
In this short story, based on a Brazilian folklore legend, the protagonist begins to have repetitive and disturbing nightmares. However, the cause of it can go beyond mere nocturnal daydreams.
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The blue balloon was only 5 days old, he had no name and no friends, as he knew no one but his owner, his house and the park downtown, where his owner, the balloon vendor, took him to sell him ever...
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The letter to the Galatians is known as the Christian declaration of independence, because it explains in detail to Christians that the Mosaic law and the demands of Jewish customs were not to be a...
EBook Version AU$ 6.88
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