"An Antarctic Mystery" is another captivating novel by Jules Verne, originally titled "Le Sphinx des glaces" in French and published in 1897. This story follows the adventures of the narrator, Jeorling, as he joins a sea expedition in search of the missing explorer Jean Cornbutte. The crew discovers a ghostly ship and a journal detailing the ill-fated voyage of the "Halbrane" to the Antarctic. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter strange occurrences, uncover the truth about the lost expedition, and face the challenges of the icy, desolate Antarctic landscape. Verne intricately weaves elements of mystery, adventure, and suspense into the narrative, painting a vivid picture of the harsh Antarctic environment and the enigmatic events surrounding the vanished expedition.
Number of pages | 0 |
Edition | 1 (2023) |
Language | English |
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