'Adventure in Atlantis' tells the story of a fantastic journey experienced by three central characters: Ervin, Lila, and Wado.
Ervin builds a time machine with a single goal: to travel back in time and save his parents, who died in a train accident.
When things don’t go as planned, he, his sister, and Wado, their uncle, end up in a time and place very different from their own: the legendary continent of Atlantis.
The narrative takes place days before the continent's total disappearance, so to save their lives, they need to be quick and clever. But nothing is easy.
ISBN | 9786501196268 |
Number of pages | 132 |
Edition | 3 (2024) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Binding | Paperback w/ flaps |
Colour | Black & white |
Paper type | Cream |
Language | English |
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