"A Dream of Armageddon" is a short story by H.G. Wells, a prominent English author best known for his science fiction works. Published in 1901 as part of his collection "The Plattner Story and Others," this story delves into the realm of speculative fiction and explores themes of war, dreams, and human nature.
The narrative revolves around a protagonist who experiences a vivid and unsettling dream. In this dream, he finds himself transported to a future world where humanity is on the brink of annihilation due to an ongoing global conflict, a war of catastrophic proportions. The dreamworld he enters is a stark, dystopian vision of Armageddon.
As the protagonist navigates this nightmarish world, he grapples with his own emotions and existential questions. The story delves into the psychological and emotional impact of war, depicting how it shapes individuals and societies.
"A Dream of Armageddon" is not only a speculative tale but also a commentary on the destructive potential of human conflict.
Number of pages | 0 |
Edition | 1 (2023) |
Language | English |
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