Synopsis of "Dark Dragon Ball"
In an alternate universe where darkness threatens to engulf all spheres of existence, the
heroes of the past face a terrifying new challenge. "Dark Dragon Ball" plunges the Z Fighters
into an epic conflict against the forces of darkness, led by the evil Lucifer, the King of
After years of relative peace, an ancient prophecy begins to unfold. Lucifer, accompanied by
the Seven Kings of Hell – Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan, and
Belphegor – emerges from the depths to conquer all the realms. Each King represents one
of the Seven Deadly Sins and rules their own hellish domains, spreading terror and
destruction wherever they go.
As the Z Fighters – Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and their allies – prepare to face this new
threat, they discover they are not alone. The gods of the cardinal and intermediate points,
led by:
Gods of the Main Cardinal Points:
Zeus (North): The most powerful god in the North, ruler of Olympus and master of the
heavens and thunder.
Ra (South): The most powerful god of the South, supreme deity of the sun and creation in
the Egyptian pantheon.
Odin (East): The most powerful god in the East, leader of the Norse gods, known for his
wisdom and magic.
Ares (West): The most powerful god of the West, god of war who personifies the brutality
and violence of combat.
Gods of the Intermediate Cardinal Points:
Horus (Northeast): The most powerful god of the intermediate points, particularly the
Northeast, god of the sky and war in the Egyptian pantheon.
Anubis (Southeast): God of the dead and mummification, associated with the Southeast,
with control over the dead and spirits.
Poseidon (Southwest): God of the seas and earthquakes, associated with the Southwest,
with power over the waters and seas.
Thor (Northwest): God of thunder and storms in the Norse pantheon, associated with the
Northwest, with control over lightning and thunder.
These gods join the fight to stop Lucifer from dominating the universe. They represent
powerful and fundamental forces, each bringing unique and immeasurable abilities to the
battle against darkness.
In addition to the infernal threat, the heroes must deal with re-education camps controlled by
Director Raxar and his team of ruthless officers, including Overseer Elyra, Monitor Jarek,
Technician Liora, Chief Karnis, Specialist Mira, Captain Verus, and Coordinator Lila. These
fields are dark places where reality is manipulated and perception is controlled, all to impose
the new dark order.
At the heart of the plot, Goku and Vegeta must overcome unimaginable challenges and face
their own inner demons, while fighting alongside their friends and new divine allies.
Resistance against the oppressive dark regime intensifies, leading to epic battles and heroic
"Dark Dragon Ball" is a saga of redemption, courage, and the never-ending struggle
between light and darkness. As the heroes face the most powerful demons and the horrors
of the re-education camps, they discover that true strength comes from unity and hope, even
in the darkest times. The final battle promises to be a titanic clash that will decide the fate of
all worlds.
Number of pages | 263 |
Edition | 7 (2025) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Binding | Paperback w/ flaps |
Paper type | Uncoated offset 90g |
Language | English |
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