Discover the rich history of music in the Christian church with "Music in the Christian Church," written by musician, conductor, and professor Jonatan Vale. With clear and accessible language, this...
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Physical, sexual and psychological aggression. This is the reality of so many of so many Brazilian women. The hole is deep, the suffering is immense, and many fall into a deep depression. Others...
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THE BOOK OF DEAD SAITH: "Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy. T...
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The Ground Breaking Discovery    By Andrey Oldekamp
The story begins in India, with a small group of students led by Professor Rajiv Patel, a PhD in atomic energy and nuclear fusion. They are developing a prototype that simulates a particle collider...
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Just Look     By Rosa Maria Rüegger
The day to day routine can bring us anguish, sadness and anxiety. However, we have to remember that life is a rare and unique jewel, that we have to value it while we can. Well, being happy only de...
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The Art Collective    By Kalli Marie & Nicole Pacheco
Você já se sentiu julgado por ser criativo? Ou por expressar como você se sente através da arte? Em caso afirmativo, este livro é para você. Aphasia é um livro de poemas interativo que lev...
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Aprenda expressões importantes!    By Ricardo Esteves
Um e-book interessante com 200 expressões para negócios - business English - são expressões com exemplos que farão a diferença em sua vida profissional - aprenda algumas curiosidades como: Word ...
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Esse alfabeto ilustrado, de língua inglesa, é uma leitura divertida, no universo infantil dos animais. Através de criaturas lindas e engraçadas é possível aprender o alfabeto de forma intuitiva e ...
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When Facebook launched Instant Articles (IA), some experts said they would be the alternative to all the anxieties of traditional journalism, since the crisis generated by the loss of space for soc...
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Love or Hate    By Jonatan do Vale
Delve into the intricate world of modern warfare with this thought-provoking and comprehensive ebook, "Modern Wars: Understanding the Complexities and Building Paths to Peace." Drawing on a multidi...
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The Secrets of Healing Energy    By Luan Ferr
Embark on a world of transformative discoveries and awaken your inner healing potential with "The Path of Reiki." In this book, you will be guided through a fascinating journey of the principles an...
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The parables that talk about the backslidden!    By André Luiz
In this book tells the importance of persevering, in Christ Jesus until the end.
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Preface In the charming streets of Paris, a story of love and music flourishes, bringing with it the magic of fate and the beauty of unexpected connections. In this novel, we enter the universe ...
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The book is a collection of puns based on pictures. Pun, also known as paronomasia, is a humorous play on words. These wordplays are mostly based on unusual names of towns. E.G.: Sisters is an Ore...
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The Time Tunnel    By Irwin Allen
In 1815, during the conflict between the Americans and English during the Napoleonic Wars, scientists become prisoners and sentenced to death, but receive help from the Time Tunnel that sends to th...
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What if we're getting lost in our thoughts? Maybe we're just fragments of souls.
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The Time Tunnel    By Irwin Allen
Tony and Doug arrive on the island of Krakatoa the day of its eruption in August 1883 just in time to stop the sacrifice of a young Indonesian by his companions, who are there to serve as guides to...
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Get ready for an exciting and inspiring adventure with the eBook "Ruth's Incredible Journey: A Story for Children". This is the story of a brave woman named Ruth, told in an engaging and captivatin...
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"Identifying and Supporting Children with Autism: A Guide for Mothers": Expert Knowledge: This eBook offers a wealth of up-to-date knowledge-based information about autism, providing mothers wit...
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Livro para alunos de inglês nível avançado. Neste livro trazemos diversos tópicos diferentes para que possibilitem discussões em sala de aula e o aluno consiga evoluir na sua habilidade de fala. No...
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