“Time Enough at Last” is known as the eighth episode of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. The episode was adapted from a short story written by Lynn Venable. The short sto...
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A young man is imbued with protecting two alien children on Earth, who are being persecuted by a satanic sect and want to exterminate them.
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There are people who seek happiness in money.There are people who seek happiness in love.There are people who seek happiness in addictions.These people have not yet discovered that true happiness c...
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For kids    By Núbia Andréa da Costa Silva
This is the book of Genesis in full version, with all chapters and verses, as it is important for the child to know the Word of God as fully as possible. The use of two versions: t...
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Do you want to increase your professional contacts? Do you want to meet nice and fun people? Do you want to get attention?If the answer is “yes”, then BE A MORE INTERESTING PERSON and get it all.
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Colorized Graphic Novel    By Morromatto Comics
The story follows characters Ben, Barbra, and five others trapped in a rural farmhouse in Pennsylvania which is attacked by unnamed "living dead" monsters, drawing on earlier depictions in popular ...
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This book of Biology has the definite purpose of refuting the theory of evolution and exalt God as the one responsible for creating. We dedicate this volume to the Creator that is very close to the...
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workbook    By Márcia Cristine Agustini
Curso completo de conversação em inglês.
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Dom was used to people coming to his home and leaving to never return, but Leão was unique: his disappearance forced him to face himself. Trying to live his lonely routine between letters and unfam...
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Chris Fitzgerald’s Business English Manual is the perfect book for ambitious people who want to improve their business vocabulary. Comprehensive and challenging, it is the ideal guide for self-stud...
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe IV - Vol 1    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe IV - Vol 2    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
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The Geophysics of the Planet    By José Ruiz Watzeck
Natural and hidden phenomena that devastate our planet, now, thanks to the most sophisticated technologies, allow us to study them in an unprecedented way, satellites scan the entire planet and rev...
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Valentine's Treason    By Valentina Ferraz
This Book contains the English and Portuguese versions Este Livro contém as versões em inglês e português Presentation by luvimacos Some acquaintances, friends, and others not so friends, wh...
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Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of drawing. His first book, Fun With a Pencil, published in 1939 is a wonderfully craft...
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Waking up suddenly in a world not her own, Mia, a spunky teenage girl, knowledgeable of all sorts of things, from movies to digital media of her time is found by a traveler in her dream that helps ...
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Commercial aviation in Brazil has been facing great changes in the past years, from the regulatory point of view to a competition perspective, given the increase in demand, revision of past legisla...
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Life is a way of no return    By Marcos Melo
We can not change our past, but we can create a future
EBook Version AU$ 4.36
Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel lelahEL    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the lelahEL angel, this angel influences those born on 03/25, 06/06, 08/18, 10/30 and 01/11 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
Print version AU$ 33.03
The sooner the child's literacy initiation process begins, the faster it will be learned. In the first three years of life, children have a greater potential to assimilate what is being taught. ...
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