You may ask yourself: why should I strive to be a humble person? Humility is a virtue, a moral excellence. Humility brings people closer to you, opens doors to new opportunities, helps you to gro...
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Organize se para que seus dias sejam melhores
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Ana and Julia. Sara and Elena. Rosa and Elisa. Rebeca and Eli . Four different couples. Four different stories. Teenagers, single, married, daring. They all tell us about their experiences. Ana and...
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Descubre la magia y la serenidad de colorear con Butterfly Coloring Pages for Adults, un libro diseñado para quienes buscan relajación y creatividad en su tiempo libre. Este libro incluye una colec...
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This book summarizes the entire journey since I sought help to stay alive, winning the fight against my illness, one day at a time. I apply in my daily discipline many teachings acquired from vario...
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The Power of Holistic Aromatherapy    By Rachel Ward/ Virginia Santos
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Customer service is a critical aspect of any business. In an increasingly competitive and digital environment, the quality of customer service has become even more important for customer loyalty an...
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In the competitive world of business, effective leadership is fundamental to achieving success. Successful companies are not built solely on great products or services but also on a committed and t...
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Many brides have been dreaming about their wedding day since childhood. These dreams come with an expensive price tag and the realization of their fairytale day may be distant. Although weddings ar...
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The Scriptures that humanity classified as "Sacred", in all ancestral religions, are a language of the Collective unconscious encoding Reality and the experience of existence. There is no longer ro...
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Artificial Intelligence    By Orlando Andrade
Focused on the new job, I decided to adapt the company's way of collecting debts, the focus is to create an environment of interaction for collector and debtor to have satisfaction in solving the d...
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"The Millionaire Race: Mindset of Achievement" is a transformative guide that unveils the secrets to a success-driven mindset. Drawing from his unique leadership experience, Igor Augusto offers pra...
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A Journey to the Heart of Mithraism    By Jacob Ward/ Luiz Santos
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Discover the answer in this Best Seller    By Ana Cunha
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